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cwthree t1_ja1ble5 wrote

Let's say the employee hadgone ahead without payment. Then, we'd be reading about the heroic employee who bucked policy to save a kid, only to be fired by the company for failing to follow policy.


Nytelock1 t1_ja1vm2y wrote

More likely the software they use prevented the employee from even having a choice


I-do-the-art t1_ja2lii2 wrote

Believe it or not, still fired


MicroSofty88 t1_ja4ba00 wrote

If you were fired in that scenario I think you could easily sue the employer or at the very least publicly bash them to get your job back. It would be a huge PR liability.


12altoids34 t1_ja78e4f wrote

No, because they screwed up. There is a procedure in place to assist emergency workers and for whatever reason either the agent that they were talking with didn't know about it or was misinformed.


Phillyredsox t1_ja1cxg7 wrote

Company embarrassed and humiliated for employees following the rules that the company set.


Abba_Fiskbullar t1_ja27g9h wrote

Outsourced contract employee who's been trained to inflexibly follow a script inflexibly follows script.


WaytoomanyUIDs t1_ja7byk2 wrote

I dunno, when I was in a call centre there was a dedicated line for police enquiries. Policy was we were only allowed to give them the number, not even transfer them. I imagine most companies have similar policies. Of course finding the correct info in the knowledge base when you are new and half trained in another story.


JazzlikeCantaloupe53 t1_ja2upx0 wrote

I don’t know, I would put my money on incompetent employee. I doubt this is the first time this situation has come up. You’d be surprised at how many people lack what may seem like basic critical thinking skills.


AlfalfAhhh t1_ja2vfk0 wrote

nah, guarantee it's a follow the script situation.

those outsourced call center people get fired pretty quick for not following scripts.


eNonsense t1_ja3m81m wrote

VW said in the article that they have a policy for assisting law enforcement with these requests and it's worked successfully in the past. However this employee was not following policy and VW owned up to the mistake. That sounds to me like VW is on the side of giving help to find the child without insisting on reinstating subscription payments first.

I think many of the people in this thread are taking this the wrong way, and likely didn't actually read the article. Seems common in this sub.


Phillyredsox t1_ja3pwt0 wrote

Common on Reddit. Lol.


eNonsense t1_ja3r2my wrote

I was replying to you dawg. You're the one who didn't read the article and spread an assumption that was the opposite of the truth.


Phillyredsox t1_ja41ujf wrote

And I was replying to you saying it’s common all over Reddit.


Freethecrafts t1_ja5qluz wrote

I came down hard against VW when this first came out. I’ll gladly eat those words to see a corporation actually helping people.


Ok-disaster2022 t1_ja1g0c7 wrote

I could understand waiting to verify the caller was a police defective or even to wait on a possible warrant, I'm sure a judge could be interrupted to sign and fax a warrant in the afternoon. (After all, stalker can be police officers too) Asking for payment though is pretty bad.


Bitter_Mongoose t1_ja2p3iw wrote

Sign and fax?

These days an officer can request a search warrant from the side of the road on a traffic stop, and have the printed copy in his hand in about 5 mins.


mceric01 t1_ja3v4nh wrote



spyaleatoire t1_ja4t2hx wrote

Just straight up yes they quite literally can


mceric01 t1_ja5g94o wrote

Where do you get this information from?


mceric01 t1_ja5maf4 wrote

This is a lawyer website, not the real world


Niznack t1_ja5mzdu wrote

Yes as we all know lawyers are mythical beasts like minotaurs and sphinx.


spyaleatoire t1_ja5twnf wrote

Bro lawyers deal with the LAW, the literal written rules - theres not much better you can cite than that. They deal with actual judges and scenarios


davereit t1_ja3nw91 wrote

Police “defective” is probably my new favorite job title.


12altoids34 t1_ja78au2 wrote

It was a screw up. They have a process in place to handle emergency calls like this which they don't charge for but somehow the person that they were talking to didn't get that information or screwed up. They probably got fired for it


SugarinSaltShaker t1_ja1cm9j wrote

Seriously, if the police give a warrant then it doesn't matter their policy


Ok-disaster2022 t1_ja1g4z2 wrote

The article says it was a detective calling. To me the appropriate thing would be to ask for a warrant because police detectives can also be stalkers and abusers.


TheHiveminder t1_ja2trxq wrote

Or fake, social engineering is the weakest security link.


WaytoomanyUIDs t1_ja7co0x wrote

Appropriate thing to do would be to pass them to a dedicated line trained to deal with police inquiries. If VWs call centres don't have them they are even more half-arsed then they seem.


reverend-mayhem t1_ja2lx73 wrote

There was no warrant. Detectives needed to gain access to a vehicle’s GPS after said vehicle had been stolen with a 2 year-old still inside.

From the article:

>“Volkswagen has a procedure in place with a third-party provider for Car-Net Support Services involving emergency requests from law enforcement,” Gillies said.

>“They have executed this process successfully in previous incidents. Unfortunately, in this instance, there was a serious breach of the process. We are addressing the situation with the parties involved,” Gillies added.

I’m pretty sure the “breach of policy” VW is referring to is actually that the VW employee responding to the detective’s call didn’t adhere to company policy & immediately direct them to a specific emergency division or whatever of the third-party company that handles their GPS services & instead flatly said they couldn’t give access to vehicle GPS unless that service was paid for as the free trial period had run out.

Honestly, in any job if I was approached by somebody claiming to be police & urgently asking for private information, I wouldn’t try to take on the situation myself - that’s what a superior is paid to handle. Hand that shit off immediately. The weird part of all this to me is that the employee tried to manage a potentially extremely sensitive situation all on their own.


spaceforcerecruit t1_ja2sjgm wrote

If it’s anything like my work experience, the guy tried to get direction or find a supervisor to transfer to but no one would respond to their messages. Left without direction and with no one backing them up, they panicked and defaulted to their scripts for what to do when a normal call about GPS comes in.


palabradot t1_ja2zg3i wrote

Wow. Every last CS place I've worked in, there are clear procedures about what to do if someone identifying themselves as legal counsel or law enforcement call the line.

In most cases, nope, I wouldn't have been taking that call other than to get the name and where they're calling from so I can transfer to a supervisor to handle it. OR law enforcement has their own line to call that gets them directly to a supervisor.

So either this guy didn't listen that day, got told 'this rarely happens' and forgot, or couldn't find any person to transfer that to.


WaytoomanyUIDs t1_ja7d6xm wrote

And their knowledge base was even more convoluted then the ones I encountered when doing call center work so they couldn't find the number for the dedicated line. Or they didn't even have the level of access to find it.


soggynachochip t1_ja17zvn wrote

I can just hear the dipshit employee reading off his script.

“Mhm. Yes that is a serious situation and I understand your frustrations.” Glances at pre written response “But unfortunately the 30 day trial period has ended and we do need to charge you for any further services”

Fucking idiot.


ZhugeSimp t1_ja1a5vu wrote

As someone's that did the script job from home, you literally can't advance the script without proper inputs.


Nytelock1 t1_ja1vvm8 wrote

You talk like the employee has a choice. I'd be willing to bet the "button" that enables the service has a "must take payment" popup or or error preventing the employee from even having a choice in the matter


Eyfordsucks t1_ja1zmse wrote

Because it’s the employee’s fault they are a wage slave and have to follow the company’s policies and procedures….


Debaser626 t1_ja5jyvj wrote

Eh, you can always pass on shit like this to a supervisor or manager.

Even if you can’t directly contact/locate one at that exact minute, you put the person on hold until you can.

I’ve worked in several call centers and you’re not gonna get written up/fired if the call record shows someone on the line clearly stating they are LEO and they require immediate info.

It’s something called being “above my pay grade.”

Not all folks working at entry level jobs are there because of a shitty economy or bad luck. There’s a fair percentage of people who just aren’t smart enough to get any further… and then some who can’t even perform at that level.


dpdxguy t1_ja34cbz wrote

You didn't read the article, did you? The "wage slave" violated company policy and procedure by refusing to give requested information to the police.


Hand-Picked-Anus t1_ja3fm6c wrote

They will ALWAYS blame the employee in these situations. I would be amazed to find out that the employee even knew an emergency option existed. We are talking about some poor kid in an Indian call center, 90% odds. It's very unlikely his software even let's him do anything other than ring people up or save whatever data they've handed over. Allowing low tier employees the ability to just hand over location data is asking for trouble. At the worst, the employee probably should have referred him to someone higher up and failed to do so.


dpdxguy t1_ja3glw6 wrote

That's a whole lot of speculation without an ounce of evidence.


Hand-Picked-Anus t1_ja3wdfi wrote

You have real life to use as evidence. Just Google "company blames employee."


Eyfordsucks t1_ja3fwof wrote

I read that the employee was “forced to follow procedure” and then Volkswagen blaming the employee for the failure of their process.

Sounds like they need to train people properly or revamp their prompt system.


dpdxguy t1_ja3gig0 wrote

I agree that this was probably a training issue. The article implies as much. I'll also note that the article says that in prior similar situations, the employee involved has done the right thing, making it sound like this was a one off situation.


miodoktor t1_ja2pdor wrote

We are talking about kidnapped child. How delusional you must be to defend them?


Seantwist9 t1_ja2rhhh wrote

It’s his job


miodoktor t1_ja2roac wrote

That is no excuse


Seantwist9 t1_ja2ru8c wrote

Pay his lost wages then


miodoktor t1_ja2rx6a wrote

How come "it's his job" doesn't hold up for cops?


Seantwist9 t1_ja2s1bc wrote

Well what specifically are you talking about? Cops have more discretion then a call center employee.


miodoktor t1_ja2sco8 wrote

And here we go, suddenly "it's his job" isn't good enough defense


Seantwist9 t1_ja2shtj wrote

Lol did you just expect me to say that so you just burned it in your mind? Cause I didn’t even say that


Eyfordsucks t1_ja2tcpg wrote

Having empathy for someone and their shitty situation doesn’t mean I am advocating for their mistakes/regrets/hard decisions.

Be mad at the kidnapper.


Durzo_Ninefinger t1_ja2ft53 wrote

Yeah fuck that guy, probably wanted to keep his job to pay the bills, so selfish /s


soggynachochip t1_ja3xper wrote

Yeah fuck that kids life right? MIGHT get fired. Definitely no other jobs available.


monkChuck105 t1_ja2iw35 wrote

If it's like OnStar they do locate the vehicle if it's reported stolen to police. They just harass you in hopes you sign up for their crappy service first. All it takes is a quick phone call to confirm the VIN, but I'm sure there's a mountain of unnecessary paperwork to cover their ass. At least a car you expect to get insurance if it's not recovered. A kid is irreplaceable... These companies care more about ripping you off then saving a life.


doodlerscafe t1_ja35tdl wrote

That’s the actual job description that is exactly what the company hired them to do and most likely with very little training and even less pay


walkingtalkingdread t1_ja1dh69 wrote

A 30 minute delay? jesus christ, they could gotten all the way out of town, or exited the car on foot. what the fuck?


GetlostMaps t1_ja1ski4 wrote

That seems quick to me given how such processes usually work


Hand-Picked-Anus t1_ja3g1l1 wrote

Right? Sat on hold with Verizon for an hour and a half before they even answered the other day. Ended up having to call them back four times over the last week, and every time it was an hour wait at least, BEFORE they even picked up.

They're lucky that there aren't many Volkswagen owners out there.


DamnBunny t1_ja1kojx wrote

Yeah we be happy to find your child...FOR MONEY!


eNonsense t1_ja3pjky wrote

Which the article states is not VWs policy, and the employee failed to follow their policy to help law enforcement for these situations.


DamnBunny t1_ja3vg8q wrote

They were doing their job. Remember corporations will do anything to ensure they are never liable. Even badly train their employees to just follow the script. Someone had to write that script for them to even say something as, "Sorry You Didn't Pay, Bye."


eNonsense t1_ja3xtdy wrote

If you're failing to follow your company's policies, you're not doing your job. Is that something you disagree with?

I fail to see how this is the responsibility of the person who wrote the script for a policy that this situation does not apply to.

The mental gymnastics that some people will resort to to maintain that they weren't simply incorrect. Talking about conspiracies that companies would intentionally poorly train their employees to not follow their own policies which were likely created and instituted to shield them from legal liability in the first place.


DamnBunny t1_ja3yo3z wrote

When it comes to saving a few dollars, and overworking them. Yes that is what I call an intention.

"Oops, our bad. Won't happen again. We're sorry."
Aren't you just tired of hearing that? I understand that hindsight isn't always 20/20 but they could at least paid attention. (no pun intended)


eNonsense t1_ja41jvj wrote

I'm not defending the use of foreign help desks, but anyone who's ever worked in a domestic help desk is aware that people here are also low paid and are fully capable of also making mistakes, because we're human beings living in reality.


DamnBunny t1_ja56zon wrote

And there are those who profit from it because its expected to. I know when I am being gaslit by my boss.


ManyFacedGodxxx t1_ja2c75e wrote

I’m sorry officer, is the child in the car already “born?” Well, you’re on your own then, no hand outs! /s


GenericElucidation t1_ja2z55o wrote

Damn I used to live by there. That's some ballsy - and fucking stupid - carjacking.


sjwt t1_ja5f2qh wrote

Some underpaid call centre worker who gets chewed out by their boss for taking 30 seconds too long to solve a problem, or gets written up because they don't make enough profit in a week is why this happened.

We don't empower staff let alone mangers to do their jobs any more, we tell them follow the rules and don't fuck up.

The rule is probably there but it happens so little that no one remembers it.

This is why nothing much is really progressing these days.. comapines are nothing but rules and protocols these days.


[deleted] t1_ja2hcyf wrote



AutoModerator t1_ja2hd15 wrote

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Clay_Ek t1_ja32g01 wrote

This is 100% who Volkswagen is.


eNonsense t1_ja3mjzd wrote

You didn't bother to read the article, did you...

VW has a policy to assist law enforcement and this employee didn't follow it, and they owned up to that. That's probably the opposit of your assumption, isn't it?


Swiftstrike4 t1_ja6n4du wrote

This company is a pile of garbage. The emission scandal was enough for me to group them with big oil.


sfvbritguy t1_ja259y2 wrote

Yet another good reason to never buy Volkswagen .....


eNonsense t1_ja3my4m wrote

What, because this employee didn't follow Volkswagens policy to assist law enforcement, and VW is owning up to the mistake made by the employee? Did you actually read the article? Or just assumed what was going on after reading the headline, which you also failed to understand?


sfvbritguy t1_ja74kdf wrote

Do you want to buy my worthless Volkswagen after they cheated on the emissions test?


TheAppleFallsUp t1_ja1odse wrote

This is some ChatGPT shit! But it's a person. Even better lol.


[deleted] t1_ja1nyr8 wrote



TheHiveminder t1_ja2tvrw wrote

> I didn't read the article

Yeah, damn Nazis working in a call center in India.