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InternetPeon t1_j72url1 wrote

Maybe if they beat their constituents with an African themed billy club it would further improve relations. /s


healing-souls t1_j72vad4 wrote

In spirit of Black History Month they've also painted their batons the colors of Africa and have ensured that all tasers have been covered with stickers of Bob Marley.


Yikert13 t1_j72xv7l wrote

Don’t go near it. It’s a trap!!


R3DLOTU5 t1_j72xwbf wrote

That's nice and all, but what are they going to do with it in March?


VividMonotones t1_j730sns wrote

Would love to see the teacher arrested for covering CRT thrown into the back of that vehicle in handcuffs for peak irony


BuffaloInCahoots t1_j73c1ui wrote

How many people had to ok this for it to get done? Did nobody think, hey maybe this money should go to something useful?


Rosebunse t1_j73ds9k wrote

I don't know what is worse, the idea that this was motivated by horrible racism or a level of stupidity I didn't want to think existed.


activehobbies t1_j73e856 wrote

Could've just donated to the local food shelter, but noooooo.


Horn_Python t1_j73hz2a wrote

No one said it had o be American history

(Just strongly implied )


wheez954 t1_j73kenk wrote

How about the whole month of February u dont arrest black ppl


Imaginary-Voice1902 t1_j73xyc1 wrote

When people finally start to accept that virtue signaling is nonsense..


FatherDevito123 t1_j74mxf5 wrote

Isn't this basically what A-Train does in The Boys, with his costume and whole campaign?


WayneConrad t1_j74pzv9 wrote

I'm sure that will ease the mind of someone pulled over for DWB.


rood_sandstorm t1_j74t3yg wrote

Also various cities have free public transportation for February (aka black pride month).

It’s like they’re rubbing it in “hey, you poor black people get free transportation because it’s your month”


DUMP_LOG_DAVE t1_j74z0hr wrote

So anything that is not a 100% legislative or reformative effort is somehow meaningless? That’s ridiculous. Was it a white person’s idea? No. Jesus Christ.

Your comment is in poor taste. Get over yourself. This isn’t an insult, it’s celebratory and intended to raise awareness and celebrate diversity.


DUMP_LOG_DAVE t1_j74zmk5 wrote

What is with all the comments in this thread? Good lord y’all are on some other shit. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.


SlimShadyM80 t1_j7577il wrote

The government spends 10x this amount of money on 10x stupider shit every single day. I get what people are saying but its still weird to see them all up in arms about the least egregious case of pointless state spending Ive ever seen. If you think the money spent on this paint job is an outrageous waste of resources then your brain would fucking explode seeing what else they spend money on.


wombatlegs t1_j757gdn wrote

Hanlon's razor applies. But can somebody please explain simply to this poor foreigner why it could be "horrible racism"? Black History Month is intended to highlight the history of Blacks in the US, do I understand correctly? So the Africa theme misses the point perhaps, but why "racist"? (Keep it simple, I'm not up with the local politics)


Rosebunse t1_j75gsi7 wrote

The police are racist. There is no denying this. Putting generic African designs on their cars not only does nothing to change their policies, but it just highlights how they only pay lip service to diversity.


wombatlegs t1_j75h5h0 wrote

When I hear "there is no denying this", it sounds like a statement of faith, and no evidence is needed or will be listened to. That is bad. OK, I know Florida has a bad reputation, and I have no reason to defend them. But is that all we are going on? Why make such a blanket generalisation? What evidence? (I'm not there so a real question.) How is that sort of comment any different to race-based comments?


wombatlegs t1_j75hjnc wrote

Huh? I don't understand. I'm asking someone familiar with the local culture to explain why an African theme is "racist". What you are asking is a whole other level, and I know nothing about it, sorry.


Dyslexic_Dog25 t1_j75p0li wrote

I can't wait to hear about 4 cops getting out of this car and beating a black man to death. Irony will truly be dead


AlternativeFormer559 t1_j76c5e3 wrote

Phew, that's a relief. Now that they've solved racism in the police force they'll have time to catch some actual criminals.


Nixeris t1_j76duc5 wrote

This is like that Rage Against the Machine moment all over again.

"What did you think they were raising those fists against?"