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jh937hfiu3hrhv9 t1_j9qhozb wrote


'Just improve your skills' is the most detached from reality tropes from the privileged.   How, get better at your current job which you are already proficient?  Uproot your life at great expense and move to a more expensive neighborhood?  Stop working and pay for schooling in addition to your bills with money you don't have?  Spend all your free time schooling part time with money you don't have?  Quit your job and start at the bottom of another career for less money?  Employers will hire the younger or experienced applicant anyway and you can't prove discrimination.


necromundus t1_j9rgnvx wrote

Maybe growing crops other than turnips would be a good alternative that would result in more crops people wanted to eat.


zstandig t1_j9r3lgs wrote

But turnips are vegetables


ctiger12 t1_j9rhvzp wrote

Eating turnips, not the onion 🧅!


cote112 t1_j9rlhsd wrote

I made turnips, yellow potatoes and scallions into a mash. Great stuff.


Urgullibl t1_j9rpadg wrote

Grate your turnips and ferment them like you would to make sauerkraut. You're welcome.


agentouk t1_j9tnb3o wrote

She looks like a fucking turnip


reddit455 t1_j9qcjqu wrote

..and increases supply of methane (under the covers).


CitizenCobalt t1_j9txz1l wrote

She says consumers should cherish home-grown produce.

Ok, how does this help address the lack of produce? And turnips are a vegetable, so is there some kind of turnip surplus at the moment?


Boborovski t1_j9vthfk wrote

There is a shortage of vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers that need to either be grown abroad or grown in the UK in heated greenhouses to be affordable. She is suggesting that people rely more on vegetables better suited to the UK climate, such as turnips. It's not really as absurd as headlines may make it seem at first glance.


tronaldmcdump t1_j9ujd0q wrote

Somebody had their nips turned too many times.


skaz915 t1_j9rrf84 wrote

No shortage here..grow your own 🤷‍♂️