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rip1980 t1_ja1sygw wrote

  • 3 Hold Subject for Probation/Parole

Booking Number 2023-00001081


AbbreviationsLoud445 t1_ja1tody wrote

When ever an article has “police say” in the title, I immediately consider it spam/click bait. Police say a lot of things that contradict their own body cam recordings. If this said “Florida woman” I’d believe it 100%…


InternetPeon t1_ja1wcmf wrote

I know it says DRIVE THROUGH, but really they mean to drive around.


Heryosh t1_ja1wk7x wrote

I mean I love biscuits but this seems extreme.


ddukes94 t1_ja1ycsp wrote

Not surprised, no matter where in Illinois Popeye's always seems to have awful customer service.


AbbreviationsLoud445 t1_ja1yu9f wrote

Not the onion is a place for articles that resemble satire but are in fact true. My satirical point was making it seem true with believable terminology, reverse engineering the joke of you will. If I need to rephrase it, we’ve lost all hope on this sub Reddit. Explaining it seems like a waste of brain space.

I was only replying to your comment because it’s in poor taste to reply to one’s own comment.


h4xrk1m t1_ja21k9t wrote

>Not the onion is a place for articles that resemble satire but are in fact true.

Yes, I know.

> My satirical point was making it seem true with believable terminology, reverse engineering the joke of you will.

This is not satire, you're just stating an opinion.

> If I need to rephrase it, we’ve lost all hope on this sub Reddit. Explaining it seems like a waste of brain space.

Rude. You simply may not have done as good a job as you think.


RobsEvilTwin t1_ja27sb1 wrote

What a fucking moron. Jail time and she fucked up her car, instead of saying "Excuse me, there are no biscuits in this bag".


bcash101 t1_ja2rmj8 wrote

It gets better. Not mentioned in this article, but if you read the New York Post version of the story, they had already fixed the mistake and given her the biscuits, but she did it anyway.


amerkanische_Frosch t1_ja2x47a wrote

Remember, if SUV’s are outlawed, only outlaws will have SUV’s.

Join the National SUV Association TODAY!


themengsk1761 t1_ja326hd wrote

I'll take "why people don't want to fill service industry jobs" again for 100$ Alex, but my answer is the same as last time.


HereComesTreble1645 t1_ja36sek wrote

I feel her on this one. They can't seem to include the correct number of food items to save their lives, no matter which part of the country you're in.


osev23 t1_ja3b310 wrote

I'm sure it would drive me crazy too if i had to drive back to the Popeyes/KFC every time they forgot something. Pun intended.


Jrecondite t1_ja49arp wrote

To be fair my bleach has a warning to not drink. Was there a warning on the building saying not to drive into it? Think she is in the clear here.


Obamas_Tie t1_ja4reaj wrote

This is just an average day at Popeyes


sinmantky t1_ja5z952 wrote

Do many Americans have anger management issue or something? It's like I see these kinds of new every hour.


meatmechdriver t1_ja61yxy wrote

If you’ve eaten popeye’s biscuits before, you’ll understand to a certain degree why someone would lose their shit being denied their buttery deliciousness.


meeplewirp t1_ja63g1c wrote

I wonder what you have to go through for the biscuits not being in the bag at Popeyes to be the final straw before you have a life altering conniption.