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herewego199209 t1_j7773it wrote

A lot of those facilities are fucked man. My grandmother was in one for like 4 months to recover from a stroke and the facility was so understaffed and the staff treated the patients like shit. My grandmother told me one of her roommates soiled herself and literally was there with the shit in her depends for an hour and a half. I can just imagine how careless these Alzheimer facilities are where they know they can fuck with these patients and sadly many of these elderly people don't have a lot of family visiting them consistently to check in on them like I did with my grandmother. All of these neurological diseases like Alzheimer's, ALS, Dementia, etc should be given billions in funding from the government. We have to find better treatments or a miracle cure.


ZhugeSimp t1_j7781bh wrote

How about paying us more than min wage if you don't want the worst people to take this job.

Almost all "good" caregivers are actively trying to jump ship to hospitals. I only became a caregiver for the resume experience, it's a really unforgiving job. You see the most horrible shit daily, like family members trying to accelerate thier dementia grandparents demise by not feeding them, bed bounds that can't afford 24/7 care so they only get 4hrs a day so the shift is absolutely packed with having to clean feces, give them a bed bath, make 3 sets of meals, etc.


ZhugeSimp t1_j778r71 wrote


My first day as a caregiver, I was assigned an entire floor in a facility for 8 hours solo, no training. By the end of the day I was put in hospice care again with no training.

Having to "trial by fire" care of 20+ disabled seniors and 8 or so near death ones almost made me quit this job the same day I was hired.


herewego199209 t1_j779eg9 wrote

I never said the caregivers were to blame only. It's a systemic and foundational issue. I'm sure like any job you're given shit sandwiches, but the staff at many of these facilities signed up for a job to take care of someone. I'm not saying this is an indictment on you as a caregiver, but my grandmother has had two strokes and recovered at two separate facilities and the same problems with the staff exists. It's one thing if you're understaffed and you can't clean someone up in a timely manner. I get that there's only so much you can do with 4 or 5 CNA's for an entire facility. That's a facility/industry issue. It's another thing if two separate facilities have the same issues with talking shit about residents right outside their door, showing attitude towards residents, actively mocking residents, etc. I get its a shit situation to be into, but that's the job you and these other caregivers signed up for. I agree we have to pay more to get the good caregivers like you in there and get the bad ones out.


mmrrbbee t1_j77h3yk wrote

Odds are the degenerative diseases are environmentally caused. That’s what you get for growing up with leaded gas and unchecked pollution. The clean air and water act cane about because everything was bad. And rivers on fire wasn’t unusual.


pokey68 t1_j78ifgd wrote

All the articles on this headline the $10,,000. If I could only bring back the dead at $10,000 each. The civil suit and the trauma will be way more than the fine. They may even lose a few customers.


Fomentor t1_j78ynti wrote

That’s a pretty steep fine for a minor mix up. Dead, not dead: what’s the difference really? /s


[deleted] t1_j79mbon wrote

its ok they probally charged 20k to check her vitals so they still profited


[deleted] t1_j79tm17 wrote

long term care-facility as well. because of covid they could not constantly check on m grandma that much, and dint allow people to visit them. so nobody can check out subtle signs of a serious illness until too late. her lack of exercise movement along with her comorbidity, accelerate her death.