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hypatiatextprotocol t1_j7hreic wrote

"All procedural generators will eventually throw up either dongs or swastikas, so you better pray it's dongs."

Martin O'Leary


SelectiveSanity t1_j7i0z37 wrote

"Can I quote this in a dissertation?"

"Oh Lord, please do."

I like this Mr. O'Leary.


SilasX t1_j7j8znu wrote

“There are no hard and fast rules in logo design. Except, don’t make it look like a penis, and don’t make it look like a swastika. Slack’s new logo did both.”


Pancake_Mix_00 t1_j7hi7b7 wrote

Can you believe it?

Hey did you hear about that new restaurant in town?


[deleted] t1_j7igcjx wrote



AutoModerator t1_j7igcl5 wrote

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windingtime t1_j7hp9g1 wrote

The thing that actually happened was that “Jerry” expressed a desire to tell a couple trans/homophobic jokes in the stand-up bumper portion of the “show” but the audience was not laughing/leaving the room, which is… pretty funny?

Maybe a little too far in terms of sentiment, but funny.


robbylet24 t1_j7hyf4q wrote

Honestly the funnier joke would be that his stand-up career completely explodes because that's more or less what actually happens.


Sir-Kevly t1_j7jpvof wrote

They're still giving Dave Chappelle new specials.


FastenedEel t1_j7k6tbl wrote

Yeah because he makes them money. That's how the world works. You think companies would throw up rainbow logos once a year if it didnt make them money? 🤔 🤣 That's delusional.


[deleted] t1_j7it3op wrote



robbylet24 t1_j7itbhu wrote

What? I'm talking about what would have been a funnier and more culturally relevant joke. I'm not saying anything at all about the real Jerry. It would have been funnier if AI Jerry saying bigoted shit caused him to become inexplicably popular.


CMonetTheThird t1_j7iwfks wrote

I took your comment the wrong way(explodes as a negative) but now I see you're just saying that bigotry is popular in comedy. Yeah.


CommonConfusables t1_j7kqrld wrote

I have a feeling it took data from the time Jerry Seinfeld made a transphobic joke stemming from something Steven Colbert said about a car.

Jerry Seinfeld is not a fan of being censored and has been in hot water for poorly executed jokes of poor taste, specifically around trans people.

Art imitates life.


HairHeel t1_j7ld9g9 wrote

I feel like there's a frequent argument that comes up on Reddit.

"You couldn't do Seinfeld today. It would get canceled!"

"No, you totally could, because the point of Seinfeld was that the characters were bad people!"

But like... here's somebody very literally doing Seinfeld today, with a joke that absolutely has "Jerry is being a bad person" as the punch line.... and it's getting cancelled pretty hard.

I think maybe we've been taking things too far.


windingtime t1_j7lg1ru wrote

You understand that the original Seinfeld was subject to FCC regulation and approved by sponsors, aka government and corporate censorship, correct?


HairHeel t1_j7lhsh4 wrote

Exactly. Just like Twitch and YouTube are beholden to corporate censors today.

Censors back then were more lenient. And people who say “you cant do a show like that any more” are right; unless the censors lighten up a little.


dragoonts t1_j7islg0 wrote

If this is true then whichever rainbow haired mod at twitch banned them needs to reevaluate their life.

The show demonstrated that those jokes aren't ok. Might as well ban people who say Nazis are bad because they mention Nazis.


robbylet24 t1_j7it3la wrote

It's an automated system. It looks for people saying certain key words. AI Jerry just happened to say some of those key words.


funnyfaceguy t1_j7jbjol wrote

? there's no automated system, it goes off reports


ShitbirdMcDickbird t1_j7ju19v wrote

Someone should go test this. Go stream to no viewers and say a bunch of vile shit, see what happens


takeitinblood3 t1_j7k8k7b wrote

There is, that'll be way to much work for a site as popular as twitch.


funnyfaceguy t1_j7kfjdx wrote

An automated system would never be able to tell the difference between some saying something bad and someone quoting/denouncing something bad. AI Seinfeld didn't even say any slurs and you're even allowed to say slurs in certain context on twitch (such as the nword in a song lyric).


DeaDGoDXIV t1_j7j69zh wrote

Exactly, while these services have some staff that do reevaluations,most of the moderation is based on picking up words, phrases, music, etc. and act in the way they're programmed: flag, ban, ignore...and it's easier for them to pull the content and have the channel owner(s) submit a ticket to be reviewed by humans.


iZMXi t1_j7hucyk wrote

The joke was actually an anti joke that said trans jokes aren't funny.


Kind_Bullfrog_4073 t1_j7isbyt wrote

Was AI Seinfeld banned by an AI mod?


DudleysCar t1_j7j6ime wrote

I believe if a channel gets reported enough times it gets a temporary ban automatically which can then be reviewed by an actual human if necessary. Similar to DMCA takedowns on YouTube.


lacergunn t1_j7iw7l0 wrote

Tay's law


Mrwright96 t1_j7n56j1 wrote

Why does ai always end up with some kind of -ist?


shadowromantic t1_j7nh4n2 wrote

Partially because trolls intentionally bait the AI into saying something dumb.


S_XOF t1_j7nvsx4 wrote

Whatever model you're using has to be trained on human speech, ideally the largest possible data pool of human speech available, and that's going to include some bigoted language most likely, especially since you're probably getting that training data from online comments and people tend to be more comfortable being assholes online. You can put in safeguards to try and prevent an AI from saying certain things, but you can't 100% predict what it's going to generate.


pacsatonifil t1_j7inp0a wrote

I thought the joke wasn’t in bad faith. It was about how people don’t think transphobic jokes are funny so what was the problem? Dumb people?


Delamoor t1_j7jr1f2 wrote

I just want to point out how strange it is to assign intent to an AI's joke telling.

Because it's literally just vomiting out things it's copying and tweaking, with no understanding. It has no good faith or bad faith. It's just churning out stuff.


banjodance_ontwitter t1_j7lafw5 wrote

The theory could be that the source material used to train the AI could be biased in 'bad faith' or so. Considering what little i know about this, to assumed that the AI just brought in a transphobic joke concept from Seinfeld, but apparently this was an anti joke.


pacsatonifil t1_j7msz9m wrote

Yes! I was in the chat and people would type things over and over and the show would suddenly bring it up. So I do think it was influenced by the audience or maybe it was a coincidence.


In_work t1_j7jk5db wrote

Zero tolerance, because someone might be offended and escalate. Actually yes, dumb people.


Arigato_MrRoboto t1_j7hi7tj wrote

I find this hilarious. Now I'm imagining a robot malfunctioning and going on a racist tirade or beating up people or something.


psgrue t1_j7iv9g4 wrote

Boston Dynamics is working on it


SulfurInfect t1_j7hmct9 wrote

This was the first thing that was actually entertaining that came out of this. In like an awkward way obviously because you don't want your AI spitting hate, but the speed at which it went down the InfoWars rabbit hole was really funny.


BeTheBall- t1_j7howi1 wrote

Bodes well for us all with the future of AI



Shiro_Black t1_j7jlzfs wrote

What did the fish say when this channel was banned?



carbinePRO t1_j7hjl30 wrote

That's actually hilarious.


mg_ridgeview t1_j7kat79 wrote

Banning the transphobic "joke" sends the wrong message. Think about it: Larry gets on the stage tells the audience what he thinks he's going to do for his next material, which is so abhorrent, that he's treated with dead silence and is walked out on. If anything, that's a perfect PSA or teachable moment how hating on people on the LGBT spectrum isn't funny.

So Twitch, if you ban that bit, what are you really saying? That you agree with Larry, and not the disapproving audience that walked out on him? If you stand for the community, you would keep the "joke" in as an example of how dumb Larry was being.


Crooked_Cock t1_j7hp3ow wrote



NamelessTacoShop t1_j7iq723 wrote

Garbage in, garbage out. An actual AI meant to screen resume's started blacklisting minorities. Why because they programmed it to look at all the qualities of successful employees by evaluating historical data. So it determined women and minorities were less desirable. Because racism tainted the training data.


Whako4 t1_j7kod53 wrote

the joke wasn’t actually transphobic it was in a way supporting trans people


Shamic t1_j7irrs5 wrote

I will never understand banning jokes like that, it's just childish


shadowromantic t1_j7nhv10 wrote

I can understand bans like this. Kal Penn did a really good job of talking about racist jokes/stereotypes and how they messed with him as a kid.

Then there's the danger that humor is being used as a cover to just say cruel things and to push an oppressive agenda.


Shamic t1_j82vzsk wrote

yeah but where do you draw the line? It's not actually about racism it's about bullying, and then where exactly do you define bullying? Some people have different tolerances for jokes and conversation. It's stupid to ban words or jokes because it's not a good or bad thing to say, it entirely depends on context, who you are saying it too, and how that person reacts. For sure, some people say cruel things and that shouldn't be encouraged, but you go down that rabbit hole of banning things people find offensive you will never end because there is always someone that gets pissed off by something. Who exactly is going to police it all? It's a dumb, reactionary response to something that could be dealt with differently


Julioscoundrel t1_j7j5tat wrote

It’s childish, intolerant, and vindictive.

Do you want to know who controls society? Just look at who you can’t tell jokes about.


AdamDeKing t1_j7k7hzk wrote

disabled children are the real puppet masters


Julioscoundrel t1_j7koxs0 wrote

Nope. You can make jokes about disabled children without being canceled.


iRegretLastNight t1_j7jd9ej wrote

I bet you support the book banning in Florida.


Julioscoundrel t1_j7jgf9i wrote

Wrong. I support freedom. I’m a libertarian. I oppose book banning anywhere at any time for any reason, just like I oppose authoritarian societal controls on speech.


iRegretLastNight t1_j7jghos wrote

Oh, OK. So you are in favour of open borders.


Julioscoundrel t1_j7jgrfc wrote

Nope. If a nation doesn’t control its own borders then it’s no longer a nation. Which is exactly where we are now.

But since we’re playing this stupid game, it’s clear that you’re a Marxist of some variety.


iRegretLastNight t1_j7jhb7a wrote

Lol. If you don't support open borders, you're not really a libertarian. Restricting freedom of movement is a restriction on personal liberties.

Unless you believe that something as arbitrary as where you were born should define whether or not you deserve freedom.

Also... calling anyone who disagrees with your politics a Marxist even if you don't have any understanding of their ideology at all is extremely stupid. McCarthyism outlived McCarthy by like 75 years.


pawnman99 t1_j7k6kck wrote

There's a difference between supporting legal immigration, wanting it be faster, easier and cheaper, and not wanting any borders at all.

There's no country in the world that has completely open borders and no immigration controls at all.


Bunnytown t1_j7kmxut wrote

I mean, there isn't a country in the world that is Libertarian either.


Julioscoundrel t1_j7lbnk8 wrote

There probably won’t ever be one. Far too many people in power are in love with and totally attached to authoritarianism.


Julioscoundrel t1_j7kmcie wrote

That’s complete bullshit. I totally support legal immigration. But, as Nobel laureate economist Milton Friedman said, "It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state."


Julioscoundrel t1_j7knbm2 wrote

No. You suggesting that I support book banning was extremely stupid. Only the naive support both open borders and a welfare state.


XrosRoadKiller t1_j7j6nz9 wrote

Not true but you probably know that


Julioscoundrel t1_j7j75h5 wrote

Absolutely true. The people with the power to silence their opposition are the people who control society.


XrosRoadKiller t1_j7j8m1k wrote

Do you actually think trans and gay people control society?

Some times people aren't in power but simply protected and have no agency or agenda in the response of others.

Your statement is too narrow.


Julioscoundrel t1_j7j9dxe wrote

Fact: when there are jokes you can’t tell and things and words you can’t say then you are being controlled.


XrosRoadKiller t1_j7j9mcz wrote

Even if I accepted that premise, and I don't, that's not the same thing as the original statement you made.

The phrase sounds deep but only if you look at it with only 2 opposing sides which is a shallow way to consider social interactions to say the least.


Julioscoundrel t1_j7jg7jp wrote

It doesn’t matter if you agree with it or not. It’s still true. There are words we can’t say and things we can’t do and people we can’t make jokes about. We are being controlled for the benefit of others. We are no longer free. And if you want to know who’s controlling us then just look at the people we can’t make jokes about, because they and their allies are now the ones in charge.


Radiobandit t1_j7ja8lh wrote

So how's that alt-right pipeline been treatin' ya these days?


Julioscoundrel t1_j7jga9l wrote

I don’t even know anybody on the alt-right. And how typical of a leftist to immediately jump to a personal attack.


wooden_pipe t1_j7jyrwo wrote

The fact that you wrote this is hilarious given how you are basically arguing pro-offensive jokes and insults / free speech


Julioscoundrel t1_j7km6dz wrote

The fact that you immediately jumped to a personal insult is far more hilarious.


Radiobandit t1_j7kxyee wrote

You literally used the same dog whistle argument that argues the existence of an international Jewish conspiracy. Just because you're unaware of its influence doesn't mean you're not affected by it.


Julioscoundrel t1_j7lbd52 wrote

Your post is absolute, complete, 100% bullshit. You should be ashamed of yourself. I’m putting you on ignore.


pawnman99 t1_j7k6v4h wrote

Yes. This June, take a look at any retail store. Rainbows as far as the eye can see. People get fired for homophobic and transphobic comments... no one will get fired for disparaging cis white men. Companies will get dragged for not having enough gay and trans people, never for having too many.


XrosRoadKiller t1_j7kudqx wrote

>no one will get fired for disparaging cis white men.

You absolutely can get fired for that. You are too deep into conspiracy land. And the same laws that fire people for homophobic remarks is the same for any race.


Julioscoundrel t1_j7lyqzt wrote

Never seen it or even heard of it.


XrosRoadKiller t1_j7m6pdd wrote

Well, you are literally one person. Maybe expand your horizons before screaming at the sky that we aren't free


Julioscoundrel t1_j7m6wol wrote

There are a lot of people who agree with me. They just don’t post here because they think Reddit is a leftist sewer.

And we are not free. JK Rowling was nearly cancelled after just liking a tweet calling trans women “men in dresses.” Actually making that comment here in the alleged land of the free draws immediate punishment and/or cancellation. We are definitely not free.


pihkal t1_j7k78m3 wrote

Nonsense, the lizard people ruling behind the scenes have never stopped my japes!


Rad_it t1_j7knbsv wrote

All the people in power are trans?


Shamic t1_j82w3b3 wrote

lol in a way. maybe not physically in control but the power they wield nowadays over free speech laws and canceling people is pretty large.


Julioscoundrel t1_j7knzmr wrote

The people who are in control of the media and the nation consist of every group that you can no longer make a joke about and their allies. Just ask Dave Chappelle.

If you can’t make a joke about a group without suffering negative consequences, then they are in control and you are being controlled.


Julioscoundrel t1_j7kobab wrote

And those downvotes prove my point. You can’t even talk about the fact that you can’t make jokes about about certain groups without being punished. They are in control.


Julioscoundrel t1_j7lygvc wrote

“Your boos mean nothing. I've seen what makes you cheer.” - Rick Sanchez


[deleted] t1_j7ju58z wrote



Julioscoundrel t1_j7kmage wrote

You can’t even make jokes anymore. Ask Dave Chappelle.


ShitbirdMcDickbird t1_j7l3dxc wrote

Yeah good example of what I'm talking about. Dave hasn't been doing jokes for years, he goes up there and just talks about controversial shit, and takes a stance that upsets people.

He used to make actual jokes about touchy subjects just fine, not sure why he's gone in a different direction.

I'm a huge fan of his too.


Julioscoundrel t1_j7lb9bw wrote

He learned the hard way that he can’t make jokes about certain groups anymore without being attacked and punished.


br1ckd78 t1_j7j812m wrote

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Pkactus t1_j7j1ihn wrote

this is all computer generated right? no one actually doctors the script or anything?

how can a machine be anything? I mean the machine has no such thing as intention does it?


baxbooch t1_j7kjm9a wrote

Intention is important but it’s not as important as impact. Now I’m not saying this “joke” had a bad impact. I’ll defer to the trans community on that. I don’t think it does but they have experiences and perspectives that I don’t that could color it.

But a lot of people are talking about intention and that’s not the point.


Pkactus t1_j7lef4d wrote

agreed. its not THE point. Im just curious. it sure seems a slippery slope we are upon.

edit: confused as the votes, in the downward position, as i ask for clarification on a concept that will become very important in the near future.


shadowromantic t1_j7ni2m1 wrote

This is a really hard philosophical question. Does language have inherent meaning? What does something mean if it's created by a machine?

Even if a computer writes, "The dog ran up the hill," you understand those words in that order. I don't think it matters if the AI "understands" what it wrote because the humans around it do and can potentially be affected by its statements/actions.


BanishedOutkaste t1_j7s40r6 wrote

It’s a joke. Impact is irrelevant. Get over it.


baxbooch t1_j7t3ik7 wrote

Jokes have impact. This joke didn’t impact me but you can’t say whatever you want and pretend it doesn’t matter because “it’s a joke.”


DarkJayson t1_j7j4tru wrote

They where using OpenAIs GPT-3 Davinci model but it was having outages so they switched to the previous model Curie now there is the problem OpenAIs moderation software does not work properly with Curie they thought it was operating but as we can see it was not.

The devs posted there going to get the moderation API working and also get there own moderation system going so this does not happen again.


NikoKida t1_j7k2r8q wrote

First we got that AI Vtuber denying the Holocaust, now we got AI Seinfeld being transphobic. AI seems to be learning from the wrong corners of the internet


MookieFlav t1_j7kk8dq wrote

It was actually a pretty funny joke about how transphobic jokes aren't funny.


taddle_tails t1_j7klbt4 wrote

AI straight up cancelled itself


thethunder92 t1_j7itq7t wrote

I thought it was a guy named AL Seinfeld at first


kujotx t1_j7jd0zb wrote

So what's the deal with mods these days?

Ask a simple question.. Lifetime ban!

It's not a violation! No violation!

How can a question be a violation? Is that a violation?

What about now?

Are you being violated by a question mark? Is that little hook thing at the top menacing?


Iggy_2539 t1_j7kjdca wrote

Asking questions is worse than having sex on-stream. It exposes us to potentially uncomfortable ideas.


Denaton_ t1_j7jpj0l wrote

Meanwhile AI Asmongold is wholesome..


InternationalSuit896 t1_j7l6tln wrote

"No one was laughing" ..doubt it 😅😅 sounds like a very believable thing with the liberals


[deleted] t1_j7j9c4b wrote

Oh it was Larry. Makes sense. Very on brand.


Jets237 t1_j7ka45i wrote

not that theres anything wrong with that


Morjguy t1_j7l8cl6 wrote

What a world we live in facepalm


Cerebrated-Starfish t1_j7kyuni wrote

I know! Let’s ban all AI’s. F’ing moronic. Our collective intelligence is fading away at light speed


robbylet24 t1_j7hobkx wrote

God imagine being the creators of this and your little robot goes full JK Rowling on you. I'd be horrified.


patienceisfun2018 t1_j7hx0hg wrote

What's the worst thing jk Rowling said?


robbylet24 t1_j7hy4xg wrote

She has said multiple times she thinks all transgender women are rapists. Thats pretty bad.


Noahcarr t1_j7iobec wrote

Would you kindly provide us with any semblance of proof that JK Rowling has said multiple times that transgender women are rapists?


robbylet24 t1_j7iorf1 wrote

Literally last week. She's been doing this shit for years at this point.


Noahcarr t1_j7iqha9 wrote

You do understand that she’s talking about men who would use the guise of being trans to harm women and girls, right?


robbylet24 t1_j7iqp9z wrote

Buddy, would you kindly just take the L here? You asked for a shred of evidence, and a shred of evidence was provided.


Noahcarr t1_j7irpxe wrote

Yeah that tweet doesn’t say what you claim it does.

But please, keep bending over backwards to convince yourself you’re in the right here.


Here_Forthe_Comment t1_j7irg3j wrote

"She thinks trans people are rapists" "Show me proof" "Here's proof" "....Im gonna ignore that"


Here_Forthe_Comment t1_j7ircu8 wrote

>You do understand that she’s talking about men who would use the guise of being trans to harm women and girls, right?

You do understand that's an just an excuse people use to justify your transphobia, right? It's not a real reason


Noahcarr t1_j7irjni wrote

So you’re saying that it’s not a valid concern?


Here_Forthe_Comment t1_j7is59l wrote

No, not really. There is no proof or evidence that men are now identifying as trans women to hurt women. That's not a thing. There is no right wing news outlet who wouldn't love to get ahold of some statistic of that sort. There's even an increase of gender neutral bathrooms but no increase in that kind of crime. People are just living their lives.

There is an increase in hate crimes towards trans women though, so that's a valid concern. Maybe we should protect them instead of saying, "but what about these people" that have no cause for concern.


twiggsmcgee666 t1_j7i00fb wrote

I believe the real big issue with Rowling is her misunderstanding gender/sex via tweets she's made previously. There's also an issue with her using the lesbian/gay community as a touch point to defend what folks are calling transphobic commentary.

Her tweets are all available online via a quick Google search, then you can make up your own mind about whether what she's said warrants the responses she received.


NightOperator t1_j7hv7ip wrote

imagine even AI makes fun of trans


morahman7vn t1_j7jmula wrote

Who still watches Twitch?


Kyetsi t1_j7jroak wrote

???? a lot of people`?

otherwise it wouldnt exist..


[deleted] t1_j7hpe3w wrote



AgentUpright t1_j7ifwgu wrote

They thought they had — the article says they were using some content moderation tools from OpenAI, but it didn’t work as expected (and it was probably their fault for not leveraging the tool correctly.) They are planning to fix it before going live again and add some secondary content filtering as well.


defaultusername-17 t1_j7il93c wrote

cool, now... imagine an AI, responding to any act of transphobia, and seeing it followed immediately with hundreds of people screeching "that's not transphobic".

it would be more surprising if an AI could properly identify acts of transphobia than literally any other outcome.


Stocksy_ t1_j7k92at wrote

Woke mentality will be the downfall of democracy, don't come crying to me when the world is communist and globalist.
