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jkswede t1_j7iyqij wrote

Yeah I have no idea how they are not covered by the second amendment


anal_opera t1_j7j2uvw wrote

As far as I know the law says you can't have a knife with blades set at multiple angles, I always assumed that was specifically referring to tire poppers but throwing stars just happened to fit the description too.


Radioactiveglowup t1_j7jdg6i wrote

Klingon Daggers were clearly targeted.


ThingCalledLight t1_j7kq5j2 wrote

The only way to stop a bad guy with a bat’leth is a good guy with a bat’leth.


RandomModder05 t1_j7l4rkp wrote

The only way to stop a dishonorable targ with a bat’leth is a honorable warrior with a bat’leth.

There, fixed it for you.


ThingCalledLight t1_j7l9q42 wrote

Qatlho’. I have dishonored my house and graciously accept death by your blade.


TunaOnWytNoCrust t1_j7j4qhk wrote

Damn those forefathers thought of everything. Maybe they meant ninja stars instead of guns??


Chard069 t1_j7javkz wrote

The 2nd Amendment makes no mention of strangulation, nor edged / pointed weapons, nor firebombs. How careless of the Founding Fathers! (Note the absence of Mighty Mothers. Sad.)

Instead, the Constitution's authors and editors required that users of firearms be organized into a well-regulated militia. Like the National Guard unit I joined after my US Army service. Folks who want to possess firearms should be well-regulated, with monthly drills -- like the National Guard or Reserves.

Undisciplined shooters are more hazardous than untrained dogs and unschooled drivers. And when firearms, knives, and ninja stars are worshiped as holy objects, well... 8-(


jkswede t1_j7k6zi5 wrote

It mentions arms , not guns. So it should cover swords bayonets knives etc….


Ecevits_Ghost t1_j7l85gp wrote

Does your copy of the constitution not include the 2.5th Amendment?

"A well regulated Ninja Troupe, being necessary to the security of a free Dojo, the right of the people to keep and bear throwing stars and nunchaku, shall not be infringed."


jkswede t1_j7ldrt5 wrote

Love it!! Yes they both say essentially the same thing :)