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WimpyLimpet t1_j7kfyz6 wrote

For those who aren't into clickbait, here's what he said:

> "I resigned as deputy half an hour ago. I can't talk anymore, call me again in two hours,"

Yep... that's it.


boysetsfire1988 t1_j7kha81 wrote

>call me again in two hours

So it's a feature length porn, huh?


Voxination t1_j7klolb wrote

30 second of action, 1:59:30 seconds of rest, obviously he couldn't say anything else because of exhaustion.

Electile dysfunction is a bitch.


Moug-10 OP t1_j7kg8yl wrote

I forgot to add it. I just let the title by default.

At least, he didn't make things worse. I wish it were the worst reason for a politician to resign (I'm not talking about him). Unfortunately, we know worse cases.


paispas t1_j7u1bsk wrote

It's been more than 2 hours. What did he say?