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roscid t1_j7mqv4v wrote

No, but what's your point?


Woodpeckinpah123 t1_j7mw4v9 wrote

So you're ok with bullying so long as the right people are being bullied?


roscid t1_j7my4mp wrote

I don't equivocate bullying an innocent group of people based on their identity to bullying a group of people based on their words and actions. You can't just swap words around freely like that, because they aren't equivalent. Bigots and fascists deserved to be bullied. Their opinions are not worth hearing out, and they should be socially shunned. So in short, yes, bullying bullies is okay in my book.


Woodpeckinpah123 t1_j7nevbt wrote

Are they, though? I suspect the vast majority are just people who like gaming or HP or earning a paycheck.


roscid t1_j7ob8fa wrote

No, wouldn't go so far. I'm sure many of the people buying the game simply just aren't that invested in the larger politics and just see it as any other game. Whether it is wrong to financially support someone who works to actively harm society is, I concede, a moral gray area. I'm not necessarily saying I agree with this site's intention, but I'm mostly indifferent to it personally.

I was moreso just arguing the larger point that just because bullying group X is wrong doesn't mean that group Y doesn't deserve that same treatment. Just because we know we shouldn't harass vulnerable or innocent groups doesn't mean we must extend that same kindness to bigots.

I am less concerned with any individual person's purchasing decision than I am of the words and actions of the figurehead spreading hateful speech in the first place, in this case Rowling herself. Going after the people who play the game isn't something I am personally interested in, but it doesn't mean I have to be outraged that other people do it.


Woodpeckinpah123 t1_j7pp4vk wrote

"...then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me."-Martin Niemoller


roscid t1_j7pp8wc wrote

Can you expand on what you mean by that?

I am aware of the context and the origin of the quote, I just don't see how it applies here.