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RotisserieChicken007 t1_j9ylmvk wrote

Haven't they been called fire fighter for like forever? Just another attempt at faux outrage and clickbait.


hospicedoc t1_j9ypxwa wrote

Exactly. I worked as a firefighter in the 1980s and that's what we called ourselves.


Geshman t1_j9yrxch wrote

>CFO Russel told The Bolton News: “As Chief Fire Officer I have set out a clear and positive mission to tackle negative behaviours and attitudes within Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, and to foster an inclusive environment that welcomes and respects all colleagues.

Some shit stirrer: "Is this 'wokeism' gone mad"


ButterscotchSure6589 t1_j9z3gds wrote

Didn't know a bloke calling himself a fireman was a negative attitude, thank goodness this mental colossus is here to put us right. Wouldn't want to be rescued by someone not fully with it.


Malforus t1_j9zzzw4 wrote

If you have a woman firefighter and Thad decides to use it as a lever to be a limp hanging genital than it can me.


Gh0stMan0nThird t1_ja1gl4x wrote

> If you have a woman firefighter and Thad decides to use it as a lever to be a limp hanging genital than it can me.

Can someone translate this comment please


AqUaNtUmEpIc t1_j9zcabn wrote

I think it’s because the term fireman “will not be tolerated” in spite of firemen existing. A male fire fighter can no longer refer to himself as a fireman. The chief said the term still sneaks into todays nomenclature and they won’t allow it.


Imaginary-Voice1902 t1_ja0bzcy wrote

There really aren’t more pressing matters than controlling how people describe themselves?


Crooked_Cock t1_j9zgplh wrote

My dumbass interpreted this as banning fire fighters from being called upon in the event of a fire


seti_m t1_j9yiq74 wrote

I guess 'hose jockey' is out as well?


Oski96 t1_j9yydvl wrote

Lower Tidmarsh Volunteer Fire Brigade


Raitone t1_j9yvdlc wrote

But its connotation is sexist, exclusive, and represents a type of microaggression that harms our culture, the email said.

Reading that almost made me sick.


Msfracture t1_j9yv6qu wrote

This desperate attempt to change English won't work.. they are fireman/firemen, prob a few firewomen in there as well, will always call them that.
