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swisscriss t1_ja7edeg wrote

Again more of the same, you put a Russian next to a Ukrainian and I'm sorry but you'd have to tell me who is who


Freethecrafts t1_ja7jw5q wrote

Excellent, then you wouldn’t mind that Taiwan is the best China and takes over as the legitimate government of all of it. Problem solved. Same language, Taiwan wins.


tim36272 t1_ja7f1fd wrote

Oh, you're asking what the difference is between China and Taiwan?

I'm sure others can provide a more thorough history, but in summary:

Yes the Taiwanese people are linguistically, culturally, and politically similar to the Chinese. The difference between them is largely geopolitical and ideological.

Similarly the people of Oregon and Washington in the US are very similar and it would be hard for an outsider to distinguish between the two.


bsoto87 t1_ja7i37a wrote

Well there are indigenous Taiwanese, but 97% of the population is Han chinese


cowvin t1_jaa8nxl wrote

Sure, there are similarities between many groups of people in terms of appearance, culture, language, etc. However, here are some interesting facts about Taiwan:

Taiwan has its own language, Taiwanese, that is slowly being pushed out by Chinese. Additionally, Taiwanese people who read and write Chinese use traditional Chinese characters rather than the simplified Chinese characters (introduced by the Communists).

Taiwan is the global leader in manufacturing computer chips because their manufacturing processes are years ahead of anyone else (for more info, look up TSMC).

Taiwan is a very modern democracy and they deserve to be recognized as an independent country.