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Bae_the_Elf t1_j8sqedr wrote

I think that the difference is Americans for the most part don't give a shit about Brazil sports and people in Ireland do legitimately like Liverpool due to the large population of Irish people that live there. If there were a ton of Americans in Brazil, I'm sure that Brazilian sports would be more popular in the US.


Brasscogs t1_j8sropf wrote

Sure it’s not the best example. My point is that most Irish people don’t follow football, so it’s strange to pick that as a cultural reference.

I think I just got a bit tilted because there’s a lot of dumb irish stereotyping in the thread which, as an actual Irish person, gets very tiring.


Bae_the_Elf t1_j8sufja wrote

OH don't you worry your wee little head, lad. Dontchaknow at the top o' the mornin' there'll be a rainbow with a pot o' gold at the end to lift yer spirits? Anyways BRB going to feed my cat Pangur Ban


Brasscogs t1_j8suo2s wrote

Real comedy gold right there. Could sell that routine to Dave Chappelle


Professor126 t1_j8up1yv wrote

I woke up my kids laughing at this. I needed that 😂