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whiskeyandbear t1_j9lpfxz wrote

Is that even a thing? I honestly would not see a doctor as anybody else but someone there to help, not as some authority I must obey or has any control over me.


Fredrickstein t1_j9lsszn wrote

Its considered unethical for a doctor to have romantic relations with a concurrent patient. In general people expect their doctor to keep things professional. So it's a bad look for him and the hospital.

I actually have less issue with the consensual act in the bathroom than I do with the doctor having an inappropriate conversation with a patient as it would make someone who wasn't interested very uncomfortable.


yourbraindead t1_j9m0jtz wrote

Well they were texting over WhatsApp so eventho it happens at his workplace it wasn't really what the headline sounds like


ben_vito t1_j9mxaqx wrote

So the concern is this: A patient may become dependent upon a doctor for his/her medical expertise and care, and this creates a power imbalance between the two. If the doctor then starts looking for sex, they may feel obligated to comply in order to keep being looked after for whatever medical issues they have. This is why it is unethical, unprofessional, and not permitted by medical regulatory bodies.

There are still always grey areas, and certainly if a doctor and patient agreed to terminate the medical relationship, and a certain period of time passed, then it would be okay in some circumstances.