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comfortablyflawed t1_j82qs23 wrote

You can't have birth control, you can't have an abortion, you can't have the morning after pill, it's the law that your kids go to underfunded, under resourced schools, where we will make sure they learn exactly enough to be heartbreakingly ignorant and ill equipped for even normal functioning in the real world, never mind a career, but will ensure they are laughably stupid everywhere outside their own zipcode; we're not going to make it possible for you to afford child care so you can go to the job that won't pay you enough to afford adequate housing or enough food for your kids, never mind sports or enrichment activities, aaaaand... not only are we taking no steps whatsoever to protect your child from being shot, we're actually going to change the law so that the odds of it happening go way, way up.

Family values!! Enjoy parenting! (Oh... hope your kid is CIS/ heteronormative, and white, without any learning disabilities are other challenges, because those are whole other, separate paragraphs of what kind of hell we'll cheerfully inflict on you all. Anyway, again, enjoy parenting!)

The greatest evidence that the Republicans know global warming is real and there is going to be no more planet in the next 20 to 30 years is how unabashedly they keep proving they don't give one shit about how stupid and amoral they look, and make America look on the world stage


MrNothingmann t1_j83k2jz wrote

>You can't have birth control, you can't have an abortion, you can't have the morning after pill,

How old does the kid have to be before you can shoot them for trespassing?


SatansCouncil t1_j83u6kc wrote

They dont have to be tresspassing, you just have to feel threatened by a child,...

Ask Florida


GeneralNathanJessup t1_j82wd7j wrote

I'm fine with children getting sex changes, but carrying guns is a bridge too far.


cutelyaware t1_j82ydno wrote

Children aren't getting sex changes


xrufus7x t1_j82zwqg wrote

The first link isn't actually policy, it is a recommendation from an organization.

The second link has this little bit. "All genital surgeries are only performed on patients age 18 and older."


GeneralNathanJessup t1_j830lp2 wrote

That's disappointing, don't you agree?


xrufus7x t1_j836j9r wrote

Can't say I am familiar enough with the science to make a judgement on that one way or another. I can confidently say that the links you provided don't support your claim though.


pie_ofthe_cream t1_j83mgf7 wrote

So I’m going to do a slight jump in here and say that hormone blockers are given to kids in certain places. Some of these “hormone blockers” have been known to be used for failing liver treatments. I don’t care what people want to do with their body it’s none of my business really and I could care less but to be giving stuff like that to minors for improper use is dangerous stuff. I believe even Bari Weiss came out with this information too


xrufus7x t1_j85tinj wrote

>Some of these “hormone blockers” have been known to be used for failing liver treatments

Viagra is a heart medication. It is fairly common in medicine for things to have multiple applications. This information alone doesn't prove any particular point.


pie_ofthe_cream t1_j867h05 wrote

Say what you want. I have a lot of different opinions on different topics but this is just bad. People getting played by social pressure just so pharmaceutical companies can reap profits off of something else all while laughing in our faces lying about everything


xrufus7x t1_j86jtjy wrote

>Say what you want.

That is generally how that works on public forums but I am glad I have your permission I suppose.

>I have a lot of different opinions on different topics

Yes, that is how humans tend to operate.

>but this is just bad. People getting played by social pressure just so pharmaceutical companies can reap profits off of something else all while laughing in our faces lying about everything

Your comment fails to prove any of the things you are saying. Yes, pharmaceutical companies can be exceptionally shitty but that doesn't mean every use of drugs as treatments is an example of that. If you want to prove that transgender treatments are a scheme by pharmaceuticals the bar for evidence should be a bit higher then your feelings.


pie_ofthe_cream t1_j86vylm wrote

Oh please that’s all policy is created on anymore is people’s feelings so what are you on about?

Edit: also your other two points are snarky and useless


xrufus7x t1_j87fwm3 wrote

>Oh please that’s all policy is created on anymore is people’s feelings so what are you on about?

Do you think we should be making important life changing decisions based off of claims where no supporting evidence is provided, or is it just the claims you make?

>also your other two points are snarky and useless

Snarky, yes, useless no. Consider it constructive criticism on your writing style, which uses a lot of words to say nothing in an attempt to sound bipartisan even though I really don't care what your political alignment is. I just want you to support your claims.


pie_ofthe_cream t1_j884cu1 wrote

Lol good luck debating with yourself


xrufus7x t1_j8903nv wrote

Just FYI, asking for verification of claims isn't debating.