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Substance___P t1_j9xotj1 wrote

He should have done it in a hospital. Hospitals use exorbitant amounts of electricity.

And if a decade of working in a hospital has taught me anything, it's that people in hospitals are not curious about anything. They will not move anything that's not theirs, sometimes for years.

Seriously. I once noticed two extra PC towers under a nurses' station and nobody could tell me what they were for. They were there for years. I once did an experiment where I took a trashy romance novel from the hospital lending library and put it on the desk at the nurses' station. It was there for about three months before it wasn't there one day. I bet if you get a boring-looking PC case and some quiet fans, you could easily plug it in somewhere and nobody will ever notice or care.


hawkxp71 t1_j9y4gx5 wrote

Agreed. Only issue would be you getting access to it again. Your not getting on their network with the box, so you would have to go in person.


Substance___P t1_j9y6gi2 wrote

Access the machine from guest wifi?


hawkxp71 t1_j9y6xki wrote

Usually the guest wifi is in a dmz, so joy there.

Also, you would have to be a pretty incompetent it team, to let any switch route any data from an unknown machine at a hospital.

I'm sure you could hack around and find a valid net mask and gateway, and then plug in with a static IP address, and hope they don't block you at the nearest switch.

I just think you would have to be computing locally without network access


Substance___P t1_j9y70sr wrote

Get one of those Verizon mobile data points with a data plan. Still cheaper than the power.


hawkxp71 t1_j9y74oj wrote

Yes, but that assumes you can get cell coverage, which is always a problem at hospitals :(


Psychological_Lime51 t1_ja1au0o wrote

So use a reverse proxy to route over the internet, or just have the rig connect to you instead of the other way around.


Malforus t1_j9yh02q wrote

Well hospitals also suffer from "don't change it I need it" syndrome so bad.

So yeah hospital is a perfect mining hiding place in the network closet.