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InternetPeon t1_j8ar83u wrote

Streisand effect fully engaged.


Frankenmuppet t1_j8awlcq wrote

I likely never would have known that Salva Kiir, the President of South Sudan, wet himself in public if only Salva Kiir hadn't arrested journalists afterward


pichael288 t1_j8bcqx6 wrote

So sad what happened to Frankenmuppet. Shot himself in the head while falling off the roof of his apartment building while overdosing on sleeping pills. rest in peace guy.


DeaDGoDXIV t1_j8bsoxl wrote

I thought that only happened in Russia?


beaucephus t1_j8c2umk wrote

In Russia people accidentally fall out of windows after shooting themselves in the head twice with a rifle and then make sure to lock the window from the inside after they jump.


DeaDGoDXIV t1_j8fuoqf wrote

Ah, my mistake, thanks for the clarification.


count023 t1_j8cjzyg wrote

ah, so thats who his name is. And he wet himself you say? and he's the president of South Sudan no less. I must watch this video for no other reason than it appears to be important enough to be denied viewing by the subject.


Safety_Drance t1_j8awm6r wrote

As an aside, it's so silly seeing world leaders in cowboy hats.

It's such an American cultural thing that it's really hard to take them seriously. I'd be way more interested in why they decided to wear that hat than anything they have to say about peeing themselves.


DanFuckingSchneider t1_j8azjhw wrote

Would you be surprised to learn that it was a gift from George W. Bush? Because I think it just makes it funnier


Standalone2 t1_j8bp746 wrote

I think this photo and the video where he wet himself are from different events. Also wearing of hats is still common in Africa (maybe indoors is bad form though). This is a repost by the way.


Safety_Drance t1_j8bq4pv wrote

> I think this photo and the video where he wet himself are from different events. Also wearing of hats is still common in Africa

I'm super interested in your thought process on posting this comment. Like he wet himself but didn't have a hat on? The dictator to hat/urine economy is a bit of a mystery to us in the western world.


wicklowdave t1_j8axosf wrote

when you were in school did you never learn the difference between 'then' and 'than'?


Safety_Drance t1_j8azp2c wrote

How were you at talking to other people? Was that a subject you were strong in?


wicklowdave t1_j8b11zb wrote

lol what? That has nothing to do with the question I asked.

Did you go to one of those tragically underfunded schools in Alabama or Tennessee?


Safety_Drance t1_j8b1mo5 wrote

> lol what? That has nothing to do with the question I asked.

Are you sure about that?


wicklowdave t1_j8b32m6 wrote

Pretty certain.

Whatever the case, 'then' refers to a point in time. 'Than' is used to compare things. It's pretty fundamental knowledge in English.

I'm sorry your teachers failed you.


Safety_Drance t1_j8b445s wrote

You are a bully. You were looking for some way to harass someone and if it hadn't been me it would have been someone else. Now you have my eyes on you and awareness that you exist.


wicklowdave t1_j8b6c8r wrote

> Now you have my eyes on you


> looking for some way to harass someone

No, it's more that I get triggered by ostensibly smart comments betraying themselves by their failures in grammar and still expecting to be taken seriously.

But moving on - I've shared some knowledge that hopefully you'll take on board. My work is done here.


Safety_Drance t1_j8b8ytz wrote

> No, it's more that I get triggered by ostensibly smart comments betraying themselves by their failures in grammar and still expecting to be taken seriously.

No, you're in this now. Because my accidental misspelling of a word where we both understood the context and meaning triggered you to the point of EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW THAT A PERSON MISSPLEED A WQORD1!


wicklowdave t1_j8b9p5f wrote

it wasn't an accident though. It couldn't have been.


Safety_Drance t1_j8baaqo wrote

> It couldn't have been.

Please elaborate on that thought.


wicklowdave t1_j8bbzrx wrote

No, you don't call the shots in this one. I told you a while ago my work was done. You're not interesting enough to bother any more time with.


Safety_Drance t1_j8bdm5h wrote

>I told you a while ago my work was done.

I have no idea who you are. I am a very inclusive person and if you want to talk about shit that's going on with you I'm tote's down. I would certainly appreciate not spreading completely nonsensical bullshit about me, but if you need to do that to feel good about yourself then you do you!


passinghere t1_j8b2hsf wrote

You could have simply pointed out the typo instead of insulting the person by suggesting they never learnt the difference.

There's a vast difference between making a typo and not understand the difference between 2 words and you instantly jump to insulting them instead of simply taking it as a typo and being polite about it


GetlostMaps t1_j8b8pjv wrote

This story is older than a Utah bridle party.


Hippobu2 t1_j8cmcb6 wrote

Is that the hat Bush gave him?


tlokjock t1_j8axhrr wrote

Looks like he was caught with his pants down!


Tejon_Melero t1_j8bmvvn wrote

Do me a favor. Is this the nation that Manute Bol spent all his money to build?

Who are the baddies here? Is this a religious conflict that created a humanitarian crisis, or more?


Forever_Overthinking t1_j8cfpoq wrote

Yeah, I find it really hard to keep track of this stuff. Here's a protip I've been using for a couple years now.

The baddies are the ones arresting journalists for reporting things that happened.


Tejon_Melero t1_j8cfvkn wrote

Safe bet for pee pants. Is pee pants a cover story to smear the right side? Should we all be mocking a pissed pants new dictator?

Did I misread a huge figure struggle to free his people to get to this? Is this all propaganda?

I'm betting this is a huge religious and tribal war I have no business commenting on and has limited coverage because of reasons


Forever_Overthinking t1_j8fhyfk wrote

>has limited coverage because of reasons

Reason 1) The president arrests journalists.


likeasirjohn t1_j8as8wt wrote

This is not the full story! There was a seventh journalist who "got the shot" and made the whole event look very appealing and hella sexy. These other six should be excecuted for their failures...ok, end scene..everything I have said here is an uninformed lie.
