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iammaxhailme t1_j8bwm0y wrote

inb4 some shithead goes "BuT tHeY cAn mAke YoU gEt a CoViD VaCcInE"


Mitthrawnuruo t1_j8c3ugd wrote

There is absolutely no justification for an employer to be allowed require specific health interventions or body modifications.

Be it Covid vaccine. Or an abortion. Or having a baby. Or a circumcision. Or a tattoo with all your health information so they can pull access it in an emergency.

If you want to have a heart attack and die, well, that is your right; as long as you’re of sound mind you can refuse to seek care. It isn’t your employer’s business.

They pay you for a job. You do the job.

They want to have a say in what you do when you’re not at work? Fine. Pay 24/7/365; if I’m always on the clock you can pay me not to have a beer as a condition of employment.

But if I punch out at 5, what I do at 5:01 isn’t any of your damned business.


Ozzith t1_j8c5whg wrote

One of these things involves public health and a communicable disease.