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Interested_Redditor t1_jakqj5j wrote

I thought that gender and sex were different. One is dynamic and one doesn't change. From a legal sense one should be as they are chromosomal.


zsero1138 t1_jakuz0l wrote

and what do you call people with xxy, xyy, xxx chromosomes?


Interested_Redditor t1_jakzcxs wrote

This isn't a discussion about chromosome variables, this is a discussion of your documents matching your chromosomes and neither are dynamic.


zsero1138 t1_jal4864 wrote

documents are dynamic, and in the grand scheme of things don't matter. if someone self identifies as something other than what you think they should identify, your opinion is invalid. it's not that tough to use someones correct pronouns (correct ones being the ones they feel most comfortable being called). and correct pronouns are not something you have to earn, misgendering someone because they did something bad just shows that you're a shit person who doesn't respect anyone who doesn't fit into your worldview


Interested_Redditor t1_jal5z47 wrote

There will be a reckoning where this will all get sorted. I hope it goes well for you.


zsero1138 t1_jal9pwa wrote

aww, someone's being a shit online. well, i'm sure your imaginary reckoning brings you great comfort. have you considered therapy?


Interested_Redditor t1_jalc7jp wrote

Don't you dare tell me something is broken about me because I don't fit in your world view.

I'm perfect how I am.


zsero1138 t1_jald3q5 wrote

lol, you could use help though. you're perfectly valid as a human, but you seem to be a shitty human, one who could use the help of a therapist to figure out how to be a less shitty human. though, to be fair, i don't know you personally, so maybe you're perfect in your irl situation, but on here, you seem less than ideal


Hellish_Elf t1_jansr6x wrote

Oooooh a reckoning! What do y’all reckon will happen? Where ya meeting?