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TheGrayBox t1_jaqehya wrote

Molson Coors (Miller and Coors) produces a ton of craft beer brands. InBev (Budweiser) produces even more.

Also, pre-prohibition America featured an enormous amount of small local breweries in every neighborhood that made beer which was more or less identical to the European styles that were most associated with that region of the country, usually English style ales or German lagers. The idea of mass produced corporate national beer brands is obviously fairly modern, and adjunct lagers are even more modern. The current US beer culture is actually a return to how things used to be.


TA-Sentinels2022 t1_je9s85i wrote

>Molson Coors (Miller and Coors) produces a ton of craft beer brands. InBev (Budweiser) produces even more.

A craft beer is, by definition, made by a small brewery. Neither MC, nor In Bev are that.


TheGrayBox t1_jeaaqu1 wrote

That is absolutely not the industry definition of craft beer. That is the definition of a microbrew.

The vast majority of beers marketed as craft today are brewed and distributed by one of the big corpos.


TA-Sentinels2022 t1_jearadx wrote

So, the fucking Brewer's Association (ref 3) doesn't have a say in the industry definition? But some clown on reddit does?

An absolutely ludicrous position to hold, and a childishly self-centred one.

Jog onwards and upwards.


TheGrayBox t1_jeatnkm wrote

Uh…that’s correct, a private interest group does not make definitive decisions on the legal industry terminology. Maybe if you had quoted the FDA this would be a different discussion. If you’ve ever been to a bar in the last 20 years, you’ll know that beers sold under major parent labels are allowed to be called craft beer.

> An absolutely ludicrous position to hold, and a childishly self-centred one.



TA-Sentinels2022 t1_jeauaud wrote

>Maybe if you had quoted the FDA

By all means, please do.

Please note, I don't live in the US so I couldn't give two tugs of a dead dog's cock what the FDA think.

But, please, enlighten me, captain beerlord.


TheGrayBox t1_jeavzdw wrote

I’m not sure where your confusion is bud. You’re the one who initiated the conversation. Molson Coors and InBev are US companies, hence why US regulatory agencies are relevant to the discussion.

The “Brewers Association” is not a government entity. Their opinions hold no more weight over these companies and their business practices than you or me.

Many “craft” food items are still produced and distributed by major companies, they are just allowed to be called craft based on the original recipe or process used. Capitalism is disappointing sometimes, I know.

It looks like the general consensus on craft beer in the US is simply based on the number of barrels of that particular beer made annually. If they exceed a certain amount, it’s not craft anymore.


TA-Sentinels2022 t1_jeax9z2 wrote

>hence why US regulatory agencies are relevant to the discussion

By all means, then, show me the FDA definition, if it is the only one you will accept, aside from the several I already did.

Please also remember that both companies sell on the international market so your bizarre jurisdictional claim on behalf of the FDA is, frankly, the mark of a fool.


TA-Sentinels2022 t1_jeaxzgl wrote

Seriously, one link, one refernce, anything.

As counterpoint, in advance:

Cabras, I. (2020). Craft Beer in the EU: Exploring Different Markets
and Systems Across the Continent. In: Hoalst-Pullen, N., Patterson, M. (eds) The Geography of Beer. Springer, Cham.


I'm assuming you have better given your misplaced confidence.


TheGrayBox t1_jeb16l5 wrote

A link to…what? The regulation you’re talking about doesn’t exist. Hence why the observable reality exists of major distributors selling beer under the label “craft”.

There are all sorts of regulations around classifications of breweries in the US and the amount of beer they can sell in a year without contracting under a distributor (who is federally certified for all manor or food safety regulations). The major distributors also have branch companies that produce certain “craft” brands and therefore are distributed in small enough quantity to be considered microbrews. But the reality is that small loopholes allow for “craft” to be largely meaningless.

Not sure how things are where you’re at, but in the US at this point actual microbreweries are everywhere. Every neighborhood in a major metro area will generally have at least one, and they all visibly make their beer on site in small batches. There’s a very clear difference between those breweries and the ones that sell their “craft” beer all over the country like Sierra Nevada, Blue Moon, etc. The styles and quality are not particularly different these days as they were in the past.


TA-Sentinels2022 t1_jef5tef wrote

>The regulation you’re talking about doesn’t exist.


So what the tits is your point?

Everyone except you, internationally, has a defined accepted standard for what constitutes craft brewing but fuck all them.

Is that it? Is that, literally, all you have?

Kinda sad, tbh. I'll pour one out for you and it might even be a legitimate craft brew.


TheGrayBox t1_jefse9y wrote

You were the one making a point, not me. You came here to say that “craft beer” can’t be made by a major corporate brewery. That statement isn’t correct as a matter of industry practice. That’s all. You’re the one bothered by that. Like, apparently you’re genuinely emotional about that.

> Everyone except you, internationally, has a defined accepted standard for what constitutes craft brewing but fuck all them.

I highly doubt that’s true considering your inability to parse internet opinions from legal statutes previously. I didn’t bother reading the journal article you sent because frankly who fucking cares. I’m certain Blue Moon is probably called a craft beer in Europe too even though it’s made by Coors. And also, just as a reminder, the world is more than just the US and Europe. I highly doubt Afghanistan has stringent regulation on brewing classifications, but maybe you’ll prove me wrong. But hey, being edgy about America is the classic Reddit pass time, so good on ya I guess.