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CurlSagan t1_jaqqd4a wrote

The people of Perth are very sensible about names. That's why they call themselves Perthlings.


evil_timmy t1_jaqt8up wrote

As long as they're not Flat Perthers.


MartinTybourne t1_jasi7va wrote

Everyone who lives in a flat in Perth is a flat Perther. There are some house Perthers of course.


eeeeeeeeEeeEEeeeE6 t1_jaqoxjm wrote

i like it. short. to the point. conveys the full message.

I live in a town a while from there and we have something called boodya koort bilya.

took me 5 fucking months to figure out it was a museum.


new_account_6281 t1_jaqvkoo wrote

I don't, it should have been "the perth museum museum of perth in perth"


OldBob10 t1_jar6cwi wrote

Uh…I believe the “Perth” in question here is the one in Scotland, since they mention “Perth and Kinross” and the Stone of Destiny (i.e. the Stone of Scone), while I’m guessing you’re referring to the city in Western Australia (of which I have some good memories 😊). But what the heck do I know, I’m just a dumb American…


Dirty_Quesadilla t1_jaro7r3 wrote

Wait! You mean everytime I eat a scone, I’m eating a Stone of Destiny? Awesome!


WraithCadmus t1_jas2b6n wrote

Confusingly, while the baked good rhymes with 'gone' or 'cone' (regional variations), the important rock rhymes with 'boon'.


OldBob10 t1_jat0gf0 wrote

So…wait - there’s *three* stones? 🤔


eeeeeeeeEeeEEeeeE6 t1_jaro6qa wrote

.... hahah you are totally correct, I'm in western Australia, and just assumed, man, I'm gonna go to sleep now.


ZealousidealClub4119 t1_jaqtd0t wrote

From other Perth here. 🇦🇺

Our new museum is called Boola Bardip


SmackEh t1_jaqrb1j wrote

Not "Museum McMuseum-face"


Secondsmakeminutes t1_jaqrsr1 wrote

Not going to lie my TV is named "Telly McTellyface"


MotoRandom t1_jar1grw wrote

Our pad device in the living room is named "Whatso whatso". Thank you Bender.


aenteus t1_jas5ie6 wrote

The roomba is named trainy mctrainface


tinymonesters t1_jarsqig wrote

This is how you know they picked who was allowed to vote, or it was strictly multiple choice with no write-ins.


akio3 t1_jarryth wrote

Definitely should have been “Heaven Is a Place in Perth.” The name comes with a built-in theme song too.


ILoveLongDogs t1_jat24md wrote

You've never been to the town, have you?

It's ok, but very much not heaven.


Phlanispo t1_jary217 wrote

Wow, I got to the end of the article before I realized this was Perth, Scotland and not Perth, Western Australia. The article started talking about the ancient roots to the Stone of Destiny and I was confused that the museum was honoring Scottish immigrants instead of the Whadjuk Noongar People.


halborn t1_jaufwgf wrote

They kicked me out of Scotland for trying to French kiss the Blarney Stone.


Antibotics t1_jb8fyhe wrote

Huh, I live in Perth (Australia) and there were enough references in the article to things from Perth (Australia) to not make an obvious link to Scotland:

  • There's a Museum of Perth
  • There's a suburb named Kinross (I thought it strange this lone suburb was singled out for mention). I didn't think the suburb of Kinross had particularly deep and ancient roots though.
  • There's a George Street in Perth (WA)

I suppose the name of the news site should have been a give away.


TheSammynator t1_jbacp5d wrote

I'm willing to bet there's a George Street in every city in every state. He was after all a king. I've seen half a dozen.


turtle_eating t1_jaqp90x wrote

The KISS principle works with names too.


OldBob10 t1_jar5ix8 wrote

Very sensible and practical. God bless the Scots. 😊


Adam_24061 t1_jari88y wrote

Not Perthy McPerthface? Disappointing.


mekatzer t1_jaul87k wrote

Runner up: Museum McMuseumface

Oh wait, BBC. Ye Olde Museum McMuseumface


CatchingRays t1_jar3d8b wrote

Seems we are hearing about this poll a little late.


esqualatch12 t1_jatrpy0 wrote

Is it "Perth" museum or is it "Perth Museum" museum now?


Drusgar t1_jari6pw wrote

Kind of refreshing, actually. I'd expect something silly like, "Yousee'um Museum."


on_ t1_javcs09 wrote

Marketing branding firm: this will be 200 grands. Thx.


MustLoveAllCats t1_jasniyp wrote

Good. All these stupid joke names that get voted up in public opinion polls are annoying. I get it, you want to have a bit of fun, but a ship or building shouldn't be stuck with that stupid name.


BitMadIsntIt t1_jary7z0 wrote

Stop hiring shitty leadership that doesn’t have enough experience to understand their audience - they shouldn’t be so bad at their jobs that things need to go to a public poll.


TimeTravelMishap t1_jat7kt7 wrote

This is a serious issue to you huh?


BitMadIsntIt t1_jat7ti0 wrote

Actually yeah, I’ve seen it way too many times in my line of work (public service). The amount of taxpayer money wasted due to incompetence like this is astronomical.
