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Troy85909 t1_jat2phm wrote

"No - those aren't women, they're birthing individuals!!! Why are you such bigots?!?!?"


chasonreddit t1_jatam1z wrote

People with uteruses.


Proper_Budget_2790 t1_jaxags5 wrote



chasonreddit t1_jaxbxm6 wrote

Hmmm. I usually go with the classical plural for latin based terms, but I have certainly seen both. OED gives both plurals as acceptable.

But I appreciate the comment. I used to do a lot of proofreading. Reddit can be painful sometimes.

In this sense it's more of a descriptor than a plural. Almost everyone has either 1 or 0.

I suppose I would be more proper to say "People with a uterus."


Proper_Budget_2790 t1_jaxcgn3 wrote

I actually wasn't sure that was even an option. 😁


chasonreddit t1_jaxdsrv wrote

Sure, I'm a grammar nazi. If a word is based in latin and ends in -us it is usually plural as -i. Radius/radii, Cactus/Cacti, etc. Except when it's not. We usually don't say a university with multiple locations has campi, or that a group of naked men are showing their ani.