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Edelkern t1_jb3tkvm wrote

I doubt the couple that eloped actually cares, they made it pretty clear they don't want their previous partners. It's a pretty weak revenge.


-LexVult- t1_jb456bd wrote

Yeah, the only way revenge is applied is if one of the people who eloped still loved their partner. Which in most cases they wouldn't have eloped in the first place if they love their partner.

This honestly sounds like weird copium trying to soften the fact that their spouse doesn't love them and went to be with someone else. There was no revenge. Just two broken hearted people trying to cope and feel better about their shit situation.


NydNugs t1_jb4e080 wrote

Although it's pretty engrained in culture / worldview that you can only ever love one, it creates a fallacy because it's also accepted that true love can still be found after a husband/wife passes away. I actually believe it's the best evidence of the potential for multi-love. I bet it would still hurt them.


Mista_Cash_Ew t1_jb5fe36 wrote

You don't have to love someone to feel hurt by them. It could still hurt their egos that their exes moved on easily or the belief that the exes will be talking shit to each other behind their backs