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warheadhs t1_jb8u95y wrote

crossed into Mexico for *cosmetic surgery.


[deleted] t1_jb8v9f2 wrote



throwtheclownaway20 t1_jb8zz5u wrote

Yeah, it sucks when Americans have to go to Canada or Cuba for free healthcare that we should already have, but these idiots were going to Mexico to save on a tummy tuck. That place has been a cartel battleground for decades, I don't know why the hell they thought this would be a good idea.


DestructODiGi t1_jb9jffr wrote

>tummy tuck

And crossed into one of the most dangerous areas. I’m not sure this is oniony the way you think it is.


chocotaco t1_jbl1hc2 wrote

I've actually heard it might have not even a tummy tuck and drug deal gone bad. Even the doctor is saying there was no appointment. There also other stuff but that one sticks out the most.


SadLaser t1_jb9s833 wrote

The title of this post makes it sound like there were four Americans who were already kidnapped, presumably in the US, then they somehow snuck into Mexico to save themselves with necessary medical care.

Not the reality which is four people went to Mexico to get one of the people a cheap unregulated tummy tuck and got kidnapped while there. The article itself doesn't make it sound oniony at all, just OP.


[deleted] t1_jba3tvt wrote



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Octowuss1 t1_jb9a52w wrote

“Health care”…


Icy_Associate8487 t1_jba2xam wrote

Actually. Dental and medical procedures are a lot cheaper in Mexico. That's why plenty of Texans and other people go there. I myself went to get cavities and root canal done for very little compared to what I would have had to pay in the US. Plus that was 8 years ago and the work is still holding together perfectly.


Octowuss1 t1_jbahr57 wrote

We’re both correct, I was just pointing out the irony that they went there for a tummy-tuck, and two were just found dead, one injured. Not much “health” or “care”, in this case.


Icy_Associate8487 t1_jbam9kj wrote

Dang! Guess not. I see your point. Had no idea it turned out that bad for them.


Similar_Growth_7052 t1_jbibl2l wrote

You don’t bring 3 sketchy looking dudes with you for a tummy tuck. You bring 3 of your best bitches with you. You trying to make me believe these fools were getting a mani and a pedi too?


[deleted] t1_jb9a6oq wrote

fwiw, i knew lots of socal residents who'd drive into Rosarito/Tijuana for meds all of the time

it is very common (even if not what these folks were doing)


jsp4004 t1_jbd6v3x wrote

That part missed the news.


Crooked_Cock t1_jbijd6j wrote

This is gonna be used as an excuse for america to either go to war or fund one against Mexico’s cartels isn’t it?


All_Day_ADHD t1_jbjurx0 wrote

Yup, just saw yesterday on the news, using US military against the cartel.


Snufflarious t1_jb9xa7e wrote

Hopefully the tummy tuck will not be accomplished by withholding food


Exxtol t1_jbe6x97 wrote

2 people died. Don’t be an ass.


jdmoorerugby t1_jbcq6r4 wrote

This is some bullshit writing. They went for a tummy tuck. How about reporting on the kidnappers you lib shit slinging hippy. Lol


ronger_donjer t1_jbf42hn wrote

Yeah and that story of the 9 women and children who got shot up by a cartel were just spreading bullshit religous lies, not on some "holy mission." I swear reporting has gotten out of hand


Feeling_Athlete9042 t1_jbba9e1 wrote

There's lots of Americans who get kidnapped in Mexico and often! They only cared for these guys cuz they weren't Mexican-Americans.


chocotaco t1_jbl1u91 wrote

Pretty much. Either way I think there's more to than a tummy tuck.