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obsertaries t1_jbcemf8 wrote

Honestly she had a lot of good advice about con-going, washing well was just a small part of it.


mia_elora t1_jbbxh44 wrote

They need to sell official Genshin Impact soap bars.


Nazamroth t1_jbc0a3f wrote

To not only open, but sully the rare colelctible soaps signed by.... whoever that is?! Unthinkable!


mia_elora t1_jbc1ftc wrote

Yeah, you put the collectable in the center of the soap bar and make sure that they aren't transparent.


Tmoneyg t1_jbc6u25 wrote

Theyd probably just leave it under running water to get the item rather than actually use it


CrispinCain t1_jbcx1nq wrote

Sell 'em in pairs. Open & use one, save the other. Double your money!


-Tesserex- t1_jbczc6m wrote

Now they'll just have the cleanest crotches in world but stink everywhere else.


mia_elora t1_jbgs2d1 wrote

Would still be a step in the right direction, and once they're under the water it's a lot easier to convince them to actually clean themselves.


Ennkey t1_jbek5np wrote

Anime girls with their tongues hanging out of open mouthes. Whatever it takes


VoDoka t1_jbe29cn wrote

The hygiene equivalent of the waifu pillow.


GeraldWay07 t1_jbcghk7 wrote

The fact they have to state this is insane


Kastar_Troy t1_jbcqjtl wrote

What's so fuckin hard about a shower for a big event?

So these people literally never shower then.. what the fuck


MegaJoltik t1_jbd6tdk wrote

If you have two circle, one for "people who don't have social skills" and the other for "anime fans". I'm sure there are decent amount of overlap between the circles.


hagantic42 t1_jbedsae wrote

It's more Venn diagram of those who have clinical depression social anxiety and other mental disorders that cause them to basically become blind to their hygiene issues. Magic the gathering and Warhammer have this issue with many game stores I know going so far as to make a dedicated section for these gamers where the closer you get the more intense febreze there is.

Its not just being antisocial there's normally a good amount of mental health issue going on.


The_Muznick t1_jbepjd7 wrote

And then there's smash players in a league all their own. One dude literally shit himself while playing. Because why hold it in? Fuck it I gotta go I squeeze it out now because I have to play this game.


Lilithbeast t1_jbcwrr6 wrote

Coworker of mine said she went to conventions pre COVID and the stink was the worst. I don't understand people, do they have no idea or what? She says a lot of times people crowd together in a hotel room meant for far fewer people and she guesses they don't want to bathe in that configuration. But Jesus, dudes, at least bird bath or clean pits / undercarriage or anything at all.


[deleted] t1_jbe2zbz wrote

I think being unhealthy also smells. So it’s a super combination of, poor self awareness and social skills. Combine that with the purest funk and stinkiest toe cheese of someone who not only doesn’t bath, but has been working on a body sweat with no exercise behind it for months.


Grand_Protector_Dark t1_jbdtytn wrote

Hu Tao isn't even her biggest role, let alone only....

Also the thumbnail shows the wrong character.

If anything she'd be more recognisable if the article said "Konosuba voice actor"


AFatz t1_jbe1can wrote

Genshin Impact is the more recognizable IP, though.


Esarel t1_jbeqf8q wrote

i immediately figured out who the VA was when you said this


xxKoRxx t1_jbe6sh4 wrote

I think because the website is thegamer.There is no way it all audience is into anime.


giasumaru t1_jbfhb4r wrote

Depends on what circle of people you are writing for.

Like if you posted this on r/grandorder, you'd have the title being Mashu's VA.

As Kotaku is a gaming website, it makes sense for them to write it as the voice actor of a character in Genshin Impact. That's their audience.


[deleted] t1_jbbqusq wrote

anime fans: no, this we cannot do


GyakuBoop t1_jbdnrf8 wrote

Considering the amounts of bathing scenes in lots of anime, one would assume the opposite. Con attendees are just built different


TyrionLann t1_jbdf2iw wrote

Rie Takahashi is a prolific VA, wonder if choosing genshin impact was just for the lols.


Grand_Protector_Dark t1_jbdu2az wrote

It really feels odd that Genshin was singled out for some reason.

Her role as Megumim in Konosuba is much much more famous than her role as hu tao


UrBoiThePupper55 t1_jbdy5ff wrote

Yeah the article I saw before just said “Anime VA”, not “Genshin Impact VA”.

I think GI was added to increase click-rate.


Khemith t1_jbcx50g wrote

But also don't take a bath in fucking Axe Body Spray either. I don't want to be tearing up when I'm next to you.


AegisThievenaix t1_jbe44vo wrote

Not sure what's worse, her fans not bathing properly or rie Takahashi being titled as just "genshin impact voice actor"


MIHIGHYO t1_jbnbtat wrote

yeah, homegirl is a voice actor for both eggplant and explosion before even becoming a GI VA...


Asuka-02- t1_jbdwzlo wrote

I'm a weeb. I have excellent hygeine for both myself and my living space and vehicles.

We exist. There are dozens of us!


[deleted] t1_jbe33k9 wrote

It’s your best quality, whether you like it or not. We need to start singing from the rooftops again “cleanliness is next to godliness”


Mikimao t1_jbemg9b wrote

Can't blame the girl for not being a fan of pungent nerd


Reddit_Anon_Soul t1_jbdbvlo wrote

I'm guilty of not showering often, but seriously? How do you not take a bath before a big event?


Legitimate_Page t1_jbf9nu2 wrote

I have really contemplated starting a "mobile smell truck," like a food truck for deodorant, and setting up outside of places where smelly people gather.


[deleted] t1_jbc09m8 wrote



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FlatOutUseless t1_jbczylx wrote

Just bathing was never working too well for me. It took a bit to get a working recipe: shave armpits and pubic hair and use antiperspirant not deodorant.


Tavapris04 t1_jbbsto4 wrote

They fucking won't, they are pigs
