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JiminyDickish t1_jbk1lis wrote

>There's tons of sounds which are far more grating and loud.

I live in the city. Dogs barking are the loudest and most intrusive sound I hear, by a country mile. I hear my neighbors dogs even with all the doors and windows closed and noise-cancelling earphones on. And it goes on all day because the dogs don't go anywhere. No other sound even begins to compare.


SuteSnute t1_jbk1z0g wrote

There's a difference between a dog barking all day and night in the yard by your window, and dogs doing what dogs do in a space meant for them, and which has hours of operation.

Nobody here is arguing your neighbor's dog should be allowed to bark non stop in the yard without the owner being confronted about it. This is a specific context. Don't move the goal post.

I also used to hear kids screaming and shrieking all day when I lived next to a park. Nobody ever seems to whine about that one either. And I personally find that far more annoying. But that's what living in a city is about. Dealing with other people


JiminyDickish t1_jbk3faz wrote

>There's a difference between a dog barking all day and night

Never said all night. I said all day. Exactly the same as a dog park. You're the one moving things around.

>But that's what living in a city is about. Dealing with other people

Agreed, which includes limiting how much your dogs bark.


Infindox t1_jbk7b1o wrote

Dogs barking in a park during the day (which they are going to do because they are playing) is the same as kids playing on a playground: they are allowed to make as much noise at they want. That's what it's there for. If you're arguing about it because it was put in place there after someone lived there... Well that can apply to anything. A daycare, a business, a playground. Construction sounds, normal business from adults, kids in general, are all sounds that in excess can be annoying.
