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annomandaris t1_jbkory8 wrote

As someone who goes to the dog park 4-5x a week, there is a big difference between barking and excessive barking.

There are definitely dog who will bark continuously for hours. They shouldn’t be at a dog park, this makes other dogs more aggressive too, to have a dog follow you arriving barking in your face isn’t pleasant for anyone.


Nadaplanet t1_jbm7sxv wrote

>There are definitely dog who will bark continuously for hours.

Oh you must live in my neighborhood. Someone within a several block radius of me has a dog that barks constantly. They let it out around 6 am and let it back inside around 9 pm. I am not exaggerating when I say it barks the entire time it's outside. I've walked my dog around trying to find the source, but I've never been able to pin down an exact address to try and talk to the owners.