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Buddyblue21 t1_jbowgwe wrote

Did anyone read the article? Whatever your feelings about him, what he said is pretty straightforward and accurate. Saying he looks like a little thug if he wanted to wear cornrows is problematic. He also said he knows they loved him, but it shouldn’t be a surprise that they didn’t understand how some of their biases came into play when parenting a child from another ethnicity. It’s a necessary discussion.


sprint6864 t1_jboz5xd wrote

The things that are getting posted in this sub and the people supporting some of the comments shows that a lot of people here are problematic af. The fact that they didn't read the article and are immediately attacking him, let alone the fact that it was posted in this sub to begin with, is kinda friggin troubling


MyBFFCrackers t1_jbus0il wrote

Oh my gawwww it’s so troubling! The mods need to shut this post down immediately!!! Jeeeesus Christ calm down. The only “troubling” thing here is you saying “problematic”. Kaepernick is a little cry baby who’s talking shit about his own parents for some fame in this current race obsessed culture - that’s “problematic”.


sprint6864 t1_jbushtr wrote

You know you make it super easy to tell you're a bigot when you get this uppity


MyBFFCrackers t1_jbuu3wg wrote

Yeah yeah yeah, I’m sure in your tiny brain you’re the only perfect one who gatekeeps all that is righteous and good. Thank you for taking the time to speak to a sinner like me.

PS. I liked your post so much I gave you an award.


ohnoshebettadont18 t1_jc3tuqp wrote

maybe if we stopped designating every thing black people touch or create as undesirable / unfavorable / unprofessional, maybe... just maybe the "little cry baby" wouldn't have too much to "cry" about.

kap isnt the problem.


NoMusic7982 t1_jbtsgma wrote

It isn't problematic... it's parent parenting. I'm white and my dad called me a hobo for having my hair to long in high-school. Hell I'm pretty sure they called me a thug for wearing some sweatpants at some point. Shit like that happened to every teenager ever. People need to stop seeing racism everywhere.


Buddyblue21 t1_jbuqw4t wrote

Your blind spot is that cornrows in the black community are generally not seen as sloppy or thuggish. Your comment seems to indicate that you feel it is. That’s more of (some) white people’s perceptions. So it’s literal racism when telling a minority group to conform to the dominant racial group’s perception of acceptable appearance - especially as it relates to hair where there’s obvious genetic and subsequent cultural differences. I guess you could argue he should’ve accepted the status quo - but that’s hardly a case for proving it isn’t problematic. By that measure, all black people 50 years ago shouldn’t challenge to having to wear a form of straight hair.

I understand that parents from all types of backgrounds correct their children in their appearance, but this circumstance demonstrates an example where adoptive parents need to be culturally sensitive and aware. I’m sure they did many things right and cared for him - he even says so in the article. But it doesn’t mean they were right in this circumstance. They, like anyone else, don’t have to be fundamentally racist in order to still have underlying racial biases and blind spots.


[deleted] t1_jbp5suz wrote



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