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SAT0SHl t1_jbwhmse wrote

Gary Lineker calling out "The Emperor's new Clothes"

The BBC are the propaganda arm of the NAZIS in power.

And unlike the German people who sat sat back and said nothing as the NAZIS rose before, he is trying to break the cycle.


Bollino313 t1_jbwnrc8 wrote

A lot of germans kept there head down and hoped for it to be over. Another lot profited in one way or the other. A significant amount saw it coming early and died trying to fight it.


SAT0SHl t1_jbx720g wrote

Look how many ToriesNazis are commenting in this sub.


[deleted] t1_jbwm4w0 wrote



ElAutismobombismo t1_jbx4ddt wrote

All it takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing. I'm sure many well intentioned Germans who were just sick and exhausted of the state of their existence after ww1 and finally found a little bit of status quo just didn't have the energy to stand up to the Nazis, and therefore paved the way for their rise (said exhaustion also being the result of commonly occurring fascist tactics which are also oddly bearing a striking resemblance to the Tory party's controversy exhaustion tactics)

The guy isnt argueing his point brilliantly , but you cannot deny this is history repeating itself, that in itself is grossly offensive too.


[deleted] t1_jbx8ny2 wrote



ElAutismobombismo t1_jbxb3h0 wrote

Its a fine thing that what was being critiqued was the language being used being reminiscent of the methods Nazis used to dehumanise groups of people, nothing to do with the specifics of immigration policy. But cool tangent I guess? A fine way to drop the mask my friend.


[deleted] t1_jbxcmvi wrote



ElAutismobombismo t1_jbxfi35 wrote

Seeing a blatant and direct connection between the social tactics employed by fascists in the past and those employed in the present is not sophistry, I fear you do not know the meaning of the word.


[deleted] t1_jbxgvnk wrote



ElAutismobombismo t1_jbxjsyp wrote

Correct, however , the language used to dehumanise certain groups under the nazi regime has been used extensively throughout other similar fascist regimes, and such use of language is present today, this use of fascist rhetoric is disturbing. But once again thank you for your derailment into something only tangentially relevant.


iheartrugbyleague t1_jbx1uhp wrote

The Tory government aren't "normal people". They couldn't be less "normal people" if they tried.


[deleted] t1_jbx2ret wrote



iheartrugbyleague t1_jbxevrk wrote

It's not a left/right thing. This Tory government is horrific. Self-serving and anti-democratic. And maybe check the latest polls out if you think the country still supports these freaks.


[deleted] t1_jbxgref wrote



daverb70 t1_jbxio0g wrote

Also the centrist, and no doubt centre right view too. These particular Tories are not popular at all, and will very likely lose the next GE. Just wondering what more damage they can do in the meantime. Even Tory friends are struggling to defend them. I honestly can’t understand why anyone with any common sense or compassion would still be supporting them. However, we do have a lot of selfish, stupid and racist people in the UK.


doctorkanefsky t1_jbxizwy wrote

I think you are missing the plot on this one. Gary Lineker didn’t create this comparison between Bravermen’s language and the language of 1930s Germany. Lineker is merely signal boosting the words of holocaust survivor Joan Salter. My guess is you aren’t a holocaust survivor, so maybe stop speaking for them, particularly when they are clearly able to speak for themselves.