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YakInner4303 t1_jc8vndc wrote

Jokes are sometimes a way of discussing important topics. Sometimes by pointing out the absurdity of the situation or simply providing an opening from which discussion can proceed. Given that the Onion does that very thing, you shouldn't expect there to not be jokes in this sub. If you think a joke is lame, feel free to suggest how it could be made more respectful/funnier/whatever. Either you will improve the quality or you will piss off the teller by being a bossy know it all. Either one seems like it would be a win from your perspective.


hot_ho11ow_point t1_jc8xsr3 wrote

Yeah, I think this guy is in the wrong sub if he wants full on intellectual conversation


Psychomadeye t1_jc94emp wrote

Might not be on the right site to be honest. Should probably be on their municipal government website.