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Massive_Ad_8856 t1_jcnrjx3 wrote

Boeing used to be a really great company. They are disgusting now. They fucked up huge with the 737 Max and should pay. In my opinion they should have been charged criminally for all those deaths. 🖕🏻you Boeing !


Assassin_by_Birth t1_jcptyri wrote

Instead they gave the CEO or whoever at the time like a $73 million dollar windfall and he now resides in a country that isn’t America. The money to pay the victims families should have came directly from that windfall, AT THE MINIMUM!


Thegoodthebadandaman t1_jcshzbo wrote

Boeing was never the same after they catch the McDonnell Douglas parasite.


DRTmaverick t1_jctn5ip wrote

You mean after they absorbed McDonnell Douglas? Honestly not surprised, MD was still struggling after the A-12 failure.


Thegoodthebadandaman t1_jctq7s3 wrote

Boeing technically bought McDonnell Douglas but MD's upper management, the very reason why the company failed in the first place, ended up in charge of Boeing. It's like McDonnell Douglas was a zombie which bit Boeing. It's why Boeing went from being an engineering focused company to one which only cared about profits and line go up.