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broad5ide t1_jdf6csa wrote

Eat as much lead as you want man, I won't stop you


michal_hanu_la t1_jdf8u0s wrote

As much chocolate, you mean.

Notice I am not saying you should g drinking 100LL. I am saying that lead from chocolate almost definitely won't be what kills you, or even produces any noticeable effects.

I am also saying that learning to distinguish between those two things is important and you should consider it.

(Also, the "help and support" silliness gets old very fast. Don't do that.)


broad5ide t1_jdf9aol wrote

Chocolate, lead. Seems like you're ok with either. Have as much as you want man.


michal_hanu_la t1_jdf9xor wrote

Well, if you do not see the difference, maybe I should worry about you.

But I'll just hope you will get it some day. Or maybe you should just stop eating chocolate.


broad5ide t1_jdfagi8 wrote

Don't worry about me my dude. Just take care of yourself. Have a good one.