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neotericnewt t1_jed9dgr wrote

Right, the woman in question, Clay-Monaghan, says she suffered an acute heart issue... which isn't a thing. There's heart attacks, tachycardia, SVT, there are plenty of things the hospital would have told her. "An acute heart issue" isn't one of them.

She was fine when she got to the hospital. She freaked out.


gone_offroad t1_jedh0du wrote

I'll try typing as slow as I can, because it seems like you can't read that fast. "reportedly says she was told she suffered an “acute heart issue” Was told. W a s t o l d


neotericnewt t1_jeez8d3 wrote

...right, this is exactly what I said above. The only person saying she suffered from an "acute heart issue" is the woman in question. Considering she was totally fine by the time she got to the hospital and an "acute heart issue" isn't a thing, it sounds like she just freaked out and wasn't actually harmed in any way.
