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btross t1_jeghmh8 wrote

"Some kids put a plastic bucket over someone's head. That's it. That's all they did."

No, in fact they did assault her, by the legal definition of the term. I don't recall saying that they need to be beaten to a pulp. In fact I said specifically that their take is as wrong as yours. There do need to be consequences beyond "Sowwy we attacked you without pwovocation" from these little shit stains. Expecting discipline to come from home is a losing game. If there was any to be had, they wouldn't be trying to terrify women in a retail store for entertainment. They need to understand that regardless of whether they think it's a big deal or not, the law specifies otherwise, and there are consequences for violating it. Community service, fines, restitution (make them go mow her lawn ever weekend for a couple months) something beyond just a "boys will be boys" response, otherwise their next hilarious prank will be tossing cinder blocks from an overpass onto high speed traffic