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eighty2angelfan t1_jebdjaa wrote

My buddy once got banned from Target for punching some pranksters that were prankiing an older woman by making fake boxes (painted foam) fall on her. The college kids got nothing.


westdl t1_jecjmbt wrote

That sucks. And is a stupid move by Target.


[deleted] t1_jeesdzp wrote



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siguefish t1_jediqob wrote

Sports fans will tell you: The refs never see the cheap shot, but they catch the retaliation.


SherifGames t1_jeef9ro wrote

Bully victims in schools can tell you that. When you get bullied, no teacher will interfere, but when you try to fight back there will be a teacher to stop you and give you a punishment.


Mental_Cut8290 t1_jeen73a wrote

Difference there is the teachers and administration do see the instigation. Same outcome though.


SherifGames t1_jeepckw wrote

Once a student filmed himself getting bullied to show evidence to his principle. The principle was on the side of the bully and the victim got punished for filming him without his consent. The principle was afraid that they'd get sued by the parents of the bully for having been filmed.


acc060 t1_jef8962 wrote

A lot of the time, in my personal experience being bullied, admin and teachers love the bullies. I once had a girl crash into my car and drive away in our school parking lot. A different girl who was walking to her car had caught it in a Snapchat video and sent it to me. The police officer we had on campus said the girl was “a good kid and would never do that” even after I showed her the video. They completely refused to help me or even look at the security cameras until my dad came to school with his lawyer on the phone and suddenly everything became “a misunderstanding”


NerdyToc t1_jefld7k wrote

Pro tip for life: never talk to the police. Always talk to your lawyer.


RobsEvilTwin t1_jedjeym wrote

How is that funny? She could fall and seriously injure herself.


[deleted] t1_jedlpqx wrote



RowBoatsInDisguise t1_jedng1a wrote

How do you know the prank was harmless? What about if someone falls after having a stack of fake boxes collapse on them?


7HauntedDays t1_jedomfd wrote

Don’t be inane and silly, falling down isn’t usually gonna kill you….But punching someone can most certainly KILL someone….it’s happened many many times….even hard open handed slap the correct way can kill or cause brain damage….soooooo…..


FryOneFatManic t1_jee3zo2 wrote

My grandad fell over and broke his hip when he was 70. Falls are very serious for older people.


hollyjazzy t1_jeemnde wrote

Yep, bones don’t mend easily when you’re older and often a broken hip can mean bed bound for a very long time, at an elderly age, that can mean the rest of their lives.


brith89 t1_jeg6jod wrote

Falls also cause brain damage.

Source? My own tbi.


SelectiveSanity t1_jebbb1p wrote

The only difference between joke and being an asshole is who you're trying to make laugh.


americasweetheart t1_jedk81f wrote

The lady has 8 month old twins. She was probably psyched to actually go somewhere alone without holding a baby for a few minutes. Then a group of fucking sociopaths put something over her head, the most vulnerable part of her body. I am getting anxious just thinking about it. Honestly, fuck those kids. I don't believe in corporal punishment but my lizard brain is saying I'd love to wring their necks myself.


whitea44 t1_jed1hkp wrote

It’s not a prank, it’s a crime.


professormagma t1_jedoldz wrote

my brothers in christ can we stop calling these pranks?


ImageComfortable2843 t1_jed3557 wrote

The only positive aspect of going to war would be watching all these little tiktokers get drafted.


NerdyToc t1_jedbcmk wrote

Nah. They would just claim to have bone spurs to dodge the draft like other celebrities did during the Vietnam war.


xetal1 t1_jedt30d wrote

Jesus, what a devious website design. I click on declining cookies and it needs "a few minutes to save my preferences"?!


EvilFroeschken t1_jeeqa6c wrote

This is amazing. This must be 100% compliance to EU privacy policies. You see and can deselect every 3rd party individually. Never saw anything like this before. Lol.


lowercase0112358 t1_jed6sl2 wrote

Those pranks are illegal. Imagine doing that in a state with a personal castle law.

Imagine posting the evidence online.


xerthighus t1_jee49e2 wrote

The fact that they post evidence online is why it’s news. It’s not a TikTok thing, board teens and young adults have always been a source of problems like this.


-Saksham- t1_jeds9wm wrote

I feel like the people who like pranking on this level are mentally unstable 😐


TripleTongue3 t1_jee0w23 wrote

While I generally disapprove of violence I have to admit I love the cases where a "prankster" picks the wrong victim and receives a punch in the face.


JerryKook t1_jeepbq0 wrote

I hate prank videos. I especially don't get the ones of couples frequently pranking each other. What kind of life do they live?


quikfrozt t1_jee7zet wrote

At what point does prancing become assault?


neotericnewt t1_jebv69j wrote

I hate these trends of doing dumb pranks to unwitting strangers too, but this is pretty silly. Some kids put a bucket on a ladies head in target.

Don't do dumb shit like this to strangers, but... I mean it's just kids being dumb.


oddballAstronomer t1_jec31sa wrote

She had a heart attack and fell as a response to this. Yes it’s kids being dumb but these are 14 year olds who should know better than to accost strangers, especially since they don’t know th ehealth profile of that stranger.


neotericnewt t1_jec6e77 wrote

>She had a heart attack

No she didn't, she panicked and passed out. She was stable when she was taken to the hospital. That's why it's being called an "acute heart issue" and not a heart attack.

Like I said, I agree that people shouldn't be trying to make tiktok videos out of scaring strangers, but this is just kids being dumb. Fourteen year olds often do dumb things, and putting a bucket on a strangers head is a pretty mild example of "dumb things kid do".


Royal-Possibility219 t1_jecfzbb wrote

Stop trying to justify this stupid shit as “kids doing dumb shit”. Don’t mess with others. Period. If your actions cause harm, then you deserve to be punished.


neotericnewt t1_jecimgw wrote

I'm not justifying, as I've said twice now, yes, everyone agrees people shouldn't mess with other people like this.

We're talking about kids here. A couple kids put a bucket on someone's head as part of some dumb joke. I don't think the pitchforks are really necessary.


Royal-Possibility219 t1_jecyriz wrote

Again, you’re saying “people shouldn’t mess with other people” but…… “kids are kids” that’s like someone trying to apologize then going on to say, “but” then go on to try how to say they were in the right somehow and justify their actions.


neotericnewt t1_jeczmwz wrote

I'm not justifying their actions. The kids should come forward and they should apologize to the woman. And... that should probably be about it. The police are saying they're investigating it as an assault, which is absurd.

Do you genuinely believe that some high-school kids should face jail time or criminal charges because they put a bucket on someone's head?


moopcat t1_jed0z1k wrote

It is an assault, she didn’t ask for them to put a bucket on her head. Dumb that you’re still defending it even though you’re pretending you’re not defending it.


Educational_Hawk1029 t1_jed1tjc wrote

Frankly they deserve a fine, probation, community service, and a swift kick in the ass.


Royal-Possibility219 t1_jed0vao wrote

Absolutely, it’s assault which resulted in harm to an individual. These “pranks” for likes are fucking bs and until something is done it will continue to happen. Let me tell you if someone did that shit to me idgaf who you are, I’m taking to you to the ground and you might go to sleep.


Nivosus t1_jed1rxv wrote

Depends. Kids have received jail time for pulling chairs out from people and causing them to slip and fall, which in some rare cases can result in severe head injuries.

People have gone to jail for pranks in the past.

If you hurt somebody, you're liable. Even if you claim it was "just a prank"

It isn't hard to come to such a basic conclusion. Don't defend assholes. If you hurt somebody, you pay for your actions. If you don't want to go to jail, don't hurt people. Full stop. Be better.


neotericnewt t1_jed492y wrote

>If you hurt somebody, you're liable.

Nobody was hurt. The woman was taken to the hospital with nothing wrong with her. She freaked out, went to the hospital, and was fine.

Because she had a plastic bucket put on her head. That's it.


Nivosus t1_jed8ttz wrote

It literally in the article said she suffered an acute heart issue which caused her to collapse and pass out.

Why you lying? We are not stupid. Stop acting like we are.


neotericnewt t1_jed92hq wrote

>It literally in the article said she suffered an acute heart issue

It says in the article that she says the hospital said she had an "acute heart issue", which isn't a thing. She didn't have a heart attack, they would have said that. She was stable when she got to the hospital.

She just freaked out about a bucket on her head. Again, it was a fucking plastic bucket on her head. I'm not saying it's okay to do shit like that, but I am saying that people are frothing at the mouth over a dumb stunt committed by children.


Nivosus t1_jed97b4 wrote

Uh huh. I'm just gonna go ahead and block your absolutely uneducated toxic ass.


grimholder t1_jednw7j wrote

In a time where women are grabbed by sex traffickers, where rape statistics are ABSURDLY high, and you have no idea if this woman has suffered any form of trauma (like fucking giving birth, which can absolutely alter a woman's mental state) it is the HEIGHT of victim blaming to say she was overreacting about this. In the less than a second it took for her to become disoriented, panic can set in and take over. It's not her fault, and it is NOT OK. Kids being kids is no excuse, and yes, they should be punished.


muffdivemcgruff t1_jecnyxs wrote

You’re a fucking idiot, probably have a punchable face too.


[deleted] t1_jecw10u wrote



eternalbuzz t1_jecy9ya wrote

I’m going to guess you took your hall monitor job very seriously


[deleted] t1_jed1txn wrote



eternalbuzz t1_jed40vc wrote

Wait.. am I supposed to report you now for calling other person an asshole?

Be better lol


megustaALLthethings t1_jed13pe wrote

Likely says the person that is dismissive of their kids, if they have or will have some, when they do shit to others.

At fourteen you need an asswhoopin if you go out and harass people for stupid shit. Being young never excuses bullshit.


Royal-Possibility219 t1_jed1r3r wrote

Exactly. He either did dumb shot like this as a kid or has kids who do dumb shit.


Kailaylia t1_jee66ft wrote

>He either did dumb shot like this as a kid or

is still doing dumb shit.


clemonade17 t1_jedlxem wrote

Dude age 14 is 4 years away from being an adult. Not an adult yet, but sure as shit old enough to know better


Educational_Hawk1029 t1_jed1p4l wrote

Actually she likely went into SVT. No hospital will ever call a panic attack an acute heart issue. And if I thought they were going to hurt me or my child, I don’t care if they are only 14, one of them would likely end up in the hospital.


neotericnewt t1_jed428i wrote

The hospital didn't say she suffered an acute heart issue, the woman in question is the one who said that. I agree, that's not something a hospital would say.

>And if I thought they were going to hurt me or my child, I don’t care if they are only 14, one of them would likely end up in the hospital.

If you'd beat children until they needed to be hospitalized because they put a plastic bucket on your head for laughs, I'm sorry, but you're the one with the issue.


gone_offroad t1_jed5fo6 wrote

"After being taken to the hospital, Clay-Monaghan reportedly says she was told she suffered an “acute heart issue” which caused her to pass out"


neotericnewt t1_jed9dgr wrote

Right, the woman in question, Clay-Monaghan, says she suffered an acute heart issue... which isn't a thing. There's heart attacks, tachycardia, SVT, there are plenty of things the hospital would have told her. "An acute heart issue" isn't one of them.

She was fine when she got to the hospital. She freaked out.


gone_offroad t1_jedh0du wrote

I'll try typing as slow as I can, because it seems like you can't read that fast. "reportedly says she was told she suffered an “acute heart issue” Was told. W a s t o l d


neotericnewt t1_jeez8d3 wrote

...right, this is exactly what I said above. The only person saying she suffered from an "acute heart issue" is the woman in question. Considering she was totally fine by the time she got to the hospital and an "acute heart issue" isn't a thing, it sounds like she just freaked out and wasn't actually harmed in any way.


Educational_Hawk1029 t1_jed4nue wrote

Absolutely. My issue is that I refuse to allow some little asshat to harm me or my child. Bucket lands on my head and I can’t be held responsible for who gets hurt.


neotericnewt t1_jed9jr4 wrote

>My issue is that I refuse to allow some little asshat to harm me or my child.

A plastic bucket on your head doesn't harm you or your child.

>Bucket lands on my head and I can’t be held responsible for who gets hurt.

You would be. If you beat a child to the point they needed to go to the hospital because they put a bucket on your head you'd likely be charged with assault. Self defense doesn't fly when you act like a total nut job and brutally assault someone completely needlessly.


redwolf587 t1_jee6ora wrote

I really don't think you know how to read, but I'll toss my hat in the ring.

What people mean when they say they'll fight, they mean because of ~unknown danger~

If someone puts a bucket on your head and you're blinded, you do not, I repeat, DO NOT KNOW THEIR INTENTIONS. Some people will immediately defend themselves, and start swinging. Others will have severe panic or fear. No one just goes "oh goodness me, is that a child placing a bucket on my head! I've been had!"


neotericnewt t1_jeexly7 wrote

>What people mean when they say they'll fight, they mean because of ~unknown danger~

Sure, and what you're talking about is a total overreaction to the situation. Sorry but if your first thought is that you're going to die when you take that bucket off your head and see some kids laughing, you're the one with some serious issues. That's not a reasonable conclusion to draw and wouldn't justify you beating children until they needed to be hospitalized.


Kailaylia t1_jee5tti wrote

>After being taken to the hospital, Clay-Monaghan reportedly says she was told she suffered an “acute heart issue” which caused her to pass out. She filed a police report after being released from the hospital, the Los Angeles Times reports.

I'd trust a doctor over a policeman about the cause of a black-out.


neotericnewt t1_jeey0d8 wrote

The doctor isn't the person that said she suffered an acute heart issue, she is. She's the only person saying she suffered an acute heart issue. An "acute heart issue" isn't a medical term. It isn't a thing.

She freaked out about a bucket on her head and was totally fine before she even got to the hospital.


ashoka_akira t1_jeckio8 wrote

sure it’s just kids being dumb but in a nation where apparently you’re all carrying perhaps surprising people in public is a dangerous act? it’s the same logic we used to teach children not to poke bears…

and unlike a bear which is big and furry and easily identifiable it could be the little grandma who’s packing.


megustaALLthethings t1_jed1g91 wrote

I’m assuming the kids are moderately well off white kids. Bc the kids would be shot by now if they were not.


Nakedstar t1_jectflk wrote

They didn’t just target a stranger- they targeted an adult responsible for two infants right there in the store. She couldn’t just push it off her head in a hurry, it could have struck and injured one of the babies in her cart.


TowarzyszSowiet t1_jeduqvu wrote

>A mother of twins was shopping at Target in Tustin by herself when someone put a bucket over her head.

Okay, I might not like what they did, but why would you lie about what happened when we, presumably, all can read?


neotericnewt t1_jeczdt8 wrote

>She couldn’t just push it off her head in a hurry

It's a plastic bucket, you can just pick it up.

I'm not saying it's acceptable to prank strangers like this, I find it pretty obnoxious, but we're talking about kids. They weren't trying to hurt anybody, they just did a dumb joke. I don't think the pitchforks are necessary. Kids are stupid.


moopcat t1_jed123l wrote

And kids need to learn there are consequences for their actions.


preparationh67 t1_jed91gj wrote

>It's a plastic bucket, you can just pick it up.

Except thats not what happened this time is it bozo. These kids old enough to understand you lay hands on someone theres consequences. Personally I think they should just get their asses beat and shamed in front of their whole schools as appropriate punishment rather than the justice system just fuck em up forever tho.


PeterNinkimpoop t1_jedgzy4 wrote

Okay you’re with your two kids and someone suddenly covers your head with something, what would you do? Sure the dipshits knew it was a plastic bucket but she didn’t know that and her body went into panic mode. These kids put another human into a fight or flight response and they could have gotten themselves or others hurt. They should be punished for that.


btross t1_jef6pwk wrote

>I'm not saying it's acceptable to prank strangers like this [I'm just all over this post telling everyone it's no big deal, thereby implying it's acceptable]


neotericnewt t1_jefsnmu wrote

I'm not implying it's acceptable, what I'm saying is that people are way overreacting. I've had multiple comments from multiple people saying if this had happened to them they'd have beat the kids till they needed to be hospitalized, for example. People are frothing at the mouth over some dumb shit kids did.

They're fucking kids. They did a dumb prank they shouldn't have done. Jesus they put a plastic bucket over someone's head, she'll live. I think the kids should come forward and apologize to the woman and that's probably enough.


btross t1_jeft7n5 wrote

You keep minimizing as much as you claim they're overreacting. Both takes are wrong.


neotericnewt t1_jega9mc wrote

I don't think I am minimizing the situation, I think I'm treating the situation as it is. Some kids put a plastic bucket over someone's head. That's it. That's all they did. That's what people are frothing at the mouth about.

I mean seriously, what do you actually think should happen? You think the kids should get charged with assault? Like the other commenters you think they should get beat to a pulp and sent to the hospital?

I think an apology to the woman is all that should happen. They shouldn't have done it, but it was largely a harmless joke. They didn't know that the person had an anxiety disorder and would freak out over it. It was a dumb thing to do, but hey, kids do stupid shit all the time, and this was a pretty minor thing all in all.


btross t1_jeghmh8 wrote

"Some kids put a plastic bucket over someone's head. That's it. That's all they did."

No, in fact they did assault her, by the legal definition of the term. I don't recall saying that they need to be beaten to a pulp. In fact I said specifically that their take is as wrong as yours. There do need to be consequences beyond "Sowwy we attacked you without pwovocation" from these little shit stains. Expecting discipline to come from home is a losing game. If there was any to be had, they wouldn't be trying to terrify women in a retail store for entertainment. They need to understand that regardless of whether they think it's a big deal or not, the law specifies otherwise, and there are consequences for violating it. Community service, fines, restitution (make them go mow her lawn ever weekend for a couple months) something beyond just a "boys will be boys" response, otherwise their next hilarious prank will be tossing cinder blocks from an overpass onto high speed traffic