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CanuckFack t1_iqyvck8 wrote

Just Germany? Shouldn't they be asking Russia for reparations too since the Soviets took the eastern part of Poland after the Nazis invaded from the west as agreed in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact?


jagdpanzer45 t1_iqywvmt wrote

Business before pleasure. They’re planning on extracting compensation from Russia personally.


Eldorian91 t1_iqzh91r wrote

Germany can pay in euros. Russia pays the blood price.


jaskij t1_ir09o2p wrote

  1. Because of the 19th century occupation, eastern parts of Poland are very underdeveloped compared to western.
  2. Russia wouldn't even engage the talks.
  3. Our current government is very anti EU (though not to the point of leaving, because of the sweet, sweet euros), and anti Germany specifically
  4. It's a political play, most likely aimed at diverting public opinion, especially their own voters'. All the people in my circles are opposing current government and no one talks about it except for short criticism or acknowledging it as a diversion.

GetlostMaps t1_iqz3t5x wrote

Why aren't they marching south to take Belarus Ukraine back into Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth?


nielskut t1_iqzuhw6 wrote

Also Germany paid reparations to the Soviet Union. Not Germany's fault that they pocketed the money instead of giving it to Poland