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Phosphonothioic t1_ir7jqpa wrote

Didn't give Wagner the right to matter how funny it was. The guy will probably get a settlement out of it.


systemfrown t1_ir7sgi0 wrote

lol. You should go carry a flammable device into crowded confines and see just how far peoples right to stop you extends.

Let's check back later and see how your "probably get a settlement out of it" assumption pans out. Cause I can assure you the NFL won't be setting a precedent of paying out for this. On the contrary, they may even make an example out of him.


Jump_Like_A_Willys t1_ir9j9n5 wrote

Wagner could have reasonably believed the guy was a potential danger to others (not knowing the guy’s intent, but seeing his actions, which were highly erratic for the given situation) so he took the initiative to stop the man.


OppositionComp t1_irawf1q wrote

Yeah, no way this turns into a settlement. That would encourage too many idiots.

Too much potential danger for a person not to defend themselves.


Harry_Gorilla t1_irbauv1 wrote

He was literally smoking. Guy could have been wearing a bomb; endangering the lives of everyone in the stadium. He needed to be in law enforcement custody asap.


brian_sahn t1_ir7psl1 wrote

Probably enough to cover his medical bills, but he’s not going to get rich.


systemfrown t1_ir7s2q3 wrote

He'll be lucky if law enforcement doesn't pursue criminal charges (flammable devices in a packed stadium is no joke) or the the NFL don't sue the hell out of him, not to mention the security guard that was injured chasing him down.

Only Gen Z watches something like that and thinks "hey, that's a legitimate protester who's not responsible for the consequences of his actions".