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kenlasalle t1_irn9w6n wrote

I'm sure the "environment" around his bank account is doing just fine.


the_first_brovenger t1_irnkyzu wrote

Gas > Oil > Coal

Hydro > Rooftop Solar > Nuclear > Wind (land) > Solar > Wind (sea) > Gas > Oil > Coal

The depressing reality is European nations are returning to the glory days of coal burning.

Increasing oil and gas supply avoids coal, and this is indeed "good" for the environment.

Anyone who wants to save the environment is free to lead a life where your carbon footprint is small enough. But y'all are a bunch of hypocrites who won't do that, while you bitch about this guy's bank account. You're no better, we're all the polluting 1%.

Edited for clarity.


_Kanagawa_ t1_irnstbi wrote

'We're all the polluting 1%' Now run that back again? We're all in the 1%? All just as responsible for pollution as the gas and oil companies? This is feeling very "Yet you participate in society". Individuals still have a responsibility to sustainability but insisting that individual actions r just as responsible for climate issues as corporate actions, just encourages folks to not criticize corporations. Seriously, why do u feel such a need to defend greedy corps and politicians? And that's what ur doing when u deflect criticism for them


the_first_brovenger t1_irntbo0 wrote

I ain't defending shit.

I'm saying in the context of the world being fucked up and governments approving coal burning again, it really is a positive to get that gas and oil flowing.

Like the other guy said, it's better to get a baseball bat to the knee than to the head.

And I am only calling people out because bitching about one guy's bank account when what he's saying is objectively true, is hypocritical as fuck.

His bank account is to us, what our lives of luxury is to a poor person in bumfuck nowhere Uganda. Fact.

You don't like that fact? Tough fucking titties, bitch.


_Kanagawa_ t1_irnukze wrote

I still just getting a very 'um, actually' attitude from this when it comes to the 'truth' in this conversation. Yes it's better a bat to the knees then the head but it's not? Good. Saying it's 'Good' is stretching it quite a bit. That's why this is in this sub at all. Because it's clown shit to call this good. My anger of this person money is my own, I guess. Eat the rich lol


the_first_brovenger t1_irnwv9v wrote

>Eat the rich lol

As noted you are one of the rich ones. You're not ultra billionaire rich, but globally you're a 1%'er. Eat the rich thus means something I am not allowed by Reddit community rules to suggest.


_Kanagawa_ t1_irnxmwk wrote

You know nothing about my money situation, dude. Internet access doesn't make u rich or 1%, I really think u need to pay attention to the math going on here. This is a really hollow defense to try and insist that I'm rich. 😳 Like genuinely embarrassed for u that u think this, dude. Do u think ur rich?


the_first_brovenger t1_irnyj2g wrote

I'm a Norwegian software engineer. I'm the global 0.1%.

You don't seem to realise just how rich any westerner is, in the global context. If you live in a western/modern country and you have time to fuck around on Reddit then you literally are the global 1%.

Edit: 10 seconds in your profile history shows me an American spending much of their day playing video games. 1%'er confirmed. Welcome to the club.


_Kanagawa_ t1_irnz08f wrote

Omnomnomnom lol


the_first_brovenger t1_irnz5qv wrote

Real life sucks. I get it.

You'll come to terms with it some day.


_Kanagawa_ t1_iro17l5 wrote

Nah I'm just poor and full of anger. This conversation started because u insisted that everyone here was in the 1%, and that calling oil 'good for the environment' is fine because coal is worse.


searchinfomymainline t1_irqh1z3 wrote

frustrating to see you downvoted, CCGT gas is so much better than coal and are a good transitional fuel between coal and a sustainable renewable, better than repurposing coal reactors to biomass too


[deleted] t1_irohik4 wrote
