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DBSTKjS t1_irvty7x wrote

Changing the food supply so that our food is far more plant based isn't just good, it's inevitable.


Wookinbing t1_irw3abn wrote

Plant base foods also emit a ton of carbon emissions in their respective industries. Furthermore studies have shown cattle can be a carbon sink if their diet is grassfed rather than the cowcorn we normally feed them. Lastly we got a carbon tax here in canada and it made not much of a difference in emissions. It made everything else much more expensive though.


jasusquisto t1_irvwtl6 wrote

Nothing wrong with plant based food but it won't naturally equate clean production. You still have GMOs and pesticides that you should ban or control properly


DBSTKjS t1_irvx8bu wrote

Oh, of course there's other things unsustainable practices in industrial scale farming, but we can do more than one thing.

Phasing out meat from our diets is just a matter of thermodynamics. The amount of resources needed to feed animals to get them ready for butchering would produce more food if put towards growing food.


jasusquisto t1_irvxh9a wrote

Undeniable yep , but still the taxing won't really produce this kind of outcome i'm afraid.


YpsilonY t1_irw6mfv wrote

Who's that? It increases the price for animal based food without an increase in plant based food. Thereby making the former less and the latter more competitive. That is literally the way you control consumption in a capitalist system.


jasusquisto t1_irw7f0r wrote

Where does it not increase the price of plant based food? If we shift into plant based food without guaranteeing the increase of production , it will increase the plant based food price for sure. I'm not saying it is what i want to happen i'm saying it is what is likely to happen .


Raz0rking t1_irvxzbt wrote

>You still have GMOs
>that you should ban or control properly

Why banning gmo?


jasusquisto t1_irvyjgd wrote

The banning was for pesticides. Sorry , bad phrasing.


ash_274 t1_irw1q7k wrote

Go ahead an ban it. Sri Lanka would like a word


jasusquisto t1_irw1wgp wrote

It wasn't all that simple in sri lanka. The guy went balistic and did it overnight.


ash_274 t1_irw3p7e wrote

Wether you do it overnight or over a decade you have the same problem: you go from feeding 3000 people per acre to only feeding 1500 people per acre. Unless you have half your agricultural land unused, can create more arable land (difficult to do quickly and long-term), your economy can afford supplemental imports in perpetuity from trusted sources that would never put political pressure on you some time in the future, or you can convince your population to starve or die off willingly, you’re going to have a bad time