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jasusquisto t1_irvw5wr wrote

But agriculture is also the most productive per emission so between cattle and jets flying to Davos the choice should not be cattle.


elsanto9764 t1_irvy2z5 wrote

I agree there are other avenues besides piling the heap on struggling farmers, I was just providing a little more context. Seems like one of the contributing factors however is also to push people towards more sustainable eating habits by upping the price on beef


jasusquisto t1_irvyslr wrote

I agree that this decisions may come from the fact that we all know that people have to be "forced" to change eatong habits. But the healthier options aren't really all that affordable yet. So maybe the order of things should be reverted. Put organic /bio/plant-based options in a affordable price cap , then increase the vost for everything else.


YpsilonY t1_irw7lgc wrote

Not sure where that myth comes from, but when I stopped eating meat, my spending on food decreased by about 1/3. Meat is expensive.


jasusquisto t1_irw8jkt wrote

Beef is , chicken not as much . It changes from place to place also probably. I mean , India is a pretty much vegetarian sub-continent do i guess i can try to produce some of their recipeed on my journey into a vegetarian.


YpsilonY t1_irw7a8k wrote

That's right. There is no choice. If we want to keep this planet habitable in the long term, both need to be scaled back significantly.


jasusquisto t1_irw8q5x wrote

Yep , but conciously, not has we did with going electric


Hemingwavy t1_irx2fpp wrote

Cattle is basically the most wasteful regular food type. It's better to eat chicken or pork from the other side of the planet than a cow raised next door. It takes 8 calories in to get 1 calorie of beef out.


corizano t1_irxxx3r wrote

So by phasing out cattle what do you propose we do with grassland pastures? Yes feedlotting is an environmental disaster but cattle raised regeneratively are actually drawing more carbon than the emissions they produce


Hemingwavy t1_iryeq6p wrote

>So by phasing out cattle what do you propose we do with grassland pastures?

Pave over them and build skeeball arcades.

> Yes feedlotting is an environmental disaster but cattle raised regeneratively are actually drawing more carbon than the emissions they produce

And it's cool to drive your hummer to the shops if each time you do it you buy millions of tons of carbon offsets.

You ever seen regeneratively raised cattle at the supermarket? No? You ever seen it at restaurants? Again no?

Found the Yank.