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Lubberworts t1_irwe926 wrote

>this guy is no longer young. He’s in his mid-thirties

Hey! That's young. :(.


coyote-1 t1_irwobb4 wrote

From a physical standpoint, indeed mid-30s is not old.

But from a developmental standpoint, particularly for a relentlessly dimwitted criminal like this whose crimes against victims are clearly escalating over time, it’s VERY old. Who he is today was formed a looong time ago.


Placid_Observer t1_irwq538 wrote

THIS is the part that's getting the judge off the rails imo. He seems to be channeling archaic tropes like "Rub some dirt on it!!" or "Walk it off!!" to motivate the guy to be less-shitty as a human.


Lubberworts t1_irws9p7 wrote

So, you're saying there's a chance?


sieri00 t1_is19f1w wrote

Not without proper support network that don't exist in today's society


Account_Both t1_irxo4no wrote

Its not old, but its past the point of change or redemption for most people.