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Crap4Brainz t1_itb8br1 wrote

>Why on earth would you give inmates keys?

So they can open doors, duh!

Jokes aside: Treating prisoners humanely has been shown to significantly reduce recidivism rates.It really does help let them out of their cells as a reward for good behavior. In Germany, almost all non-violent criminals get keys to their own cells.

Being "tough on crime" makes things worse and benefits no-one except for-profit private prison corporations.


ConstantFwdProgress t1_itbrvv6 wrote

I mean, that's pretty common for low-security places in the US too. They don't give you a key, but your cell is unlocked through the day so you can go from there to the common area for your cell block.


cas13f t1_itbxlly wrote

Depending on the age of facility and security level, they do give inmates keys to their cells.

At the facility I worked at, the minimum-security and minimum-trustee annexes were configured such that inmates had a key to their cells. They couldn't lock or unlock the primary security lock, but they could secure their cell to a degree. Two locks, one only works with the key on the guard's set, and a handle lock that works with both the (cell-specific!) inmate key and guard key.