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Fanwhip t1_iu9n43a wrote

May they all camp out around/near your home and neighborhood then. See how you feel about it after a camp grows and the area is swamped with trash/drug items/police due to issue from said folks with their "guerrilla homes"


ChocoboRaider t1_iualu3f wrote

They’re totally welcome! In fact, plenty of them already live around me, never had any problems with them. Yknow this might shock you, but if you push your disgust down and talk to them like normal humans, you can actually have some cool chats with them. Many of them have had pretty interesting and out there lives.


Fanwhip t1_iuc8tlt wrote

I have had a few. I have helped a few. I have been mugged by one. I still will buy food for someone that wants food. If they complain i will walk away with the food.

I will treat them as people. But as a person they need to follow the law. What he is doing isnt legal. Allowing it shows "they can do what they want".


ChocoboRaider t1_iudvvy4 wrote

That’s great, I’m glad you still help folks out despite a negative experience. Many people can’t see past such experiences.

At the end of the day, we’re all damaged basket cases barely holding on to the thin veneer covering the reality that we’re a few bad days away from being where they are. And where they live is a place hostile to moneyless folk. And so despite attracting society’s ire for simply existing, they have to make do however they can, even if it’s not strictly legal. And I’m sure you agree we should not follow unethical orders, nor unethical laws.

The US has the greatest legal system on earth. Just need to keep in mind it’s a legal system, not a justice system.