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weauxbreaux t1_iux2xp8 wrote


Then you mention me in a thread that proves the whole point I was making (that a predator can become unafraid of humans for reasons other than being directly fed by them or being rabid).

Get over yourself and get a life.


JustLikeAmmy t1_ive4dq0 wrote

Who said anything about directly fed? I said fed, not directly fed. Getting food from humans even indirectly is STILL BEING FED BY HUMANS AND CAUSES WILD ANIMALS TO BECOME TAME. This is a fact and all the downvotes and banjos in the world aren't going to make that fact incorrect (keep em coming too i got the fake internet points to spare), and you know what? That's ok! It's ok to be mistaken bud, happens to the best of us.


weauxbreaux t1_ivey76k wrote

This person did:

Which is what I was countering and arguing against, the whole time. That particular statement does imply that the people in the house are directly giving food to the fox.

I never argued against the concept that you are stating, in fact I stated the same thing ( . So what are you going off about? Aren't we in agreement here? "Wild animals tend find extra food in places humans live in, and when the humans behave in a non threatening manner the wild animals become unafraid of humans." You will find no arguments from me there.

I'm not concerned about reddit karma but I am a bit concerned about your well being. Are you doing ok? You are chasing around a random stranger on the internet to start/continue an argument about semantics, weeks after our initial interaction. We are in basic agreement but you so desperately need to be "right" and need someone else to be "wrong" that you are doing this. Find some friends, find a hobby, find a therapist.