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supercyberlurker t1_iv5yfm2 wrote

Yeah I want to hear a bit more about that.

How does one 'crack atm codes'. This isn't actually a hollywood movie.


xrufus7x t1_iv6h33e wrote

Most people use easy to remember numbers so if he used like his bday she could have gotten the info from his wallet or maybe he wrote it down on a piece of paper and kept it in there. Its also possible Ugandan ATMs have shit security and she just brute forced it.


StarCitizenIsGood t1_iv7hg7i wrote

They are too embarrassed to admit they told her the pin codes under threat of being bent over the balcony and fucked by her strapon


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_iv6eyfo wrote

"ay yu, I let suck vagene if gib EhTM meshen pin."

"Wan two thee foh"

"Fool, I don't really give vagene"

"Bamboozled! I will say you crack."
