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originalusername__ t1_ivc2msy wrote

Unfortunately buried my mom in April, cancer took her far too young. The cheapest casket available at the time was around 2000$ but there were nicer options that cost damn near 10k. They also offered rentals for those being cremated, I think that cost around 700$.


creace t1_ivcjg73 wrote

I lost 3 family members this year. Went cremation each time and only a cardboard box for the ashes. Still 1.5k each


caninehere t1_ivcwmlb wrote

Just throw me in the trash.


TankSparkle t1_ivdksr2 wrote

I don't get why people aren't buried in a way that allows their body to naturally decompose. That allows the body to return to nature.

Pumping bodies full of preservatives and burying them doesn't make much sense.

And per Neil deGrasse Tyson: "Cremation releases your body's energy as heat into the atmosphere, eventually radiating it out to space."


caninehere t1_ivdmrm1 wrote

Some people are. There's a thing called green burials. The body isn't preserved, just put in a shroud kinda thing that helps decomposition I think, and buried like that.

There's also companies that will take your cremated ashes and put them into a planter with a sapling, so you can plant it and grow a tree. Or if you wanna get really weird I've seen ones that turn your ashes into a vinyl record haha.


Schwarz-Adler t1_ivd923b wrote

U deserve better, no?


caninehere t1_ivdmlka wrote

I mean, I don't give a shit. If I was dead you could bang me all you want. I mean, who cares? A dead body is like a piece of trash. I mean, shove as much shit in there as you want. Fill me up with cream, make a stew out of my ass. What's the big deal? Bang me, eat me, grind me up into little pieces, throw me in the river. Who gives a shit? You're dead, you're dead!


djsizematters t1_ivda93t wrote

I wanna get put through a woodchipper facing a forest so that nobody ever disturbs me again.


Raichu7 t1_ivqanes wrote

Can you provide your own cardboard box? Get all the family to write heartfelt messages on it, or draw pictures.


creace t1_ivqsavv wrote

I tried! Nope has to be special cardboard


aarons6 t1_ivda63f wrote

you did know you dont have to buy the funeral home caskets?

when my grandma died their cheapest one was 2000 and it was junk they called it a "green" casket made from recycled wood or something.


online i got a metal one with nice brass accents for like $400. (im sure they are more expensive now, but it was the cheapest one i could find online and it did its job)

they delivered it to the funeral home and got it all setup.


originalusername__ t1_ivddebt wrote

I had no idea or I’d probably have 1600$ more money right now 🤣


aarons6 t1_ivddw54 wrote


the whole funeral and burial thing was just a high pressure sales scam.

most of the price they threw at us we got taken off and it ended up being like a third of what was "suggested"

we already had the burial plot tho.


HIM_Darling t1_ive17xr wrote

My family went to a discount casket store when my uncle died. Imagine grieving over losing a loved one and you have to listen to the funeral home manager getting bitched out by the casket store owner because the funeral home was refusing to take the casket because it wasn’t “the right size”. It was the exact same as one they sold, the casket store owner called him out on his bullshit, even though he would have to take it regardless if it was the right size or not(he was saying it was off by an entire inch). They wouldn’t have used that funeral home but my grandma had a pre-purchased plot there from 20-30 years prior.