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1776cookies t1_ivtztkj wrote

That may be the weirdest article I've ever read.


Nakedstar OP t1_ivu0rs5 wrote

Imagine a man trying to bite one of his own ten attacking poodles still managing to bite the owner of the dog his dogs are attacking. That was no fucking accident.

And these are supposedly service dogs in training?


han_bylo t1_ivu66ej wrote

I used to live up here and it's a very calm quiet area. Especially Trinidad. I could only imagine how insane that must've been.


YakInner4303 t1_ivugudu wrote

This is like the first vicious unprovoked dog attack that I've heard of in decades that didn't involve a pit bull.


notrab t1_ivuklck wrote

That's not a poodle


Nakedstar OP t1_ivut86v wrote

That’s the dog they attacked- a 13 year old corgi. As the owner of a 14 year old Aussie, I feel extra bad for her person. She is getting care and she will likely recover, but this is no doubt going to shorten the time she has left and dramatically decrease the her quality of life, too.


ash_274 t1_ivvgct4 wrote

Note that these are standard poodles, not mini or toy breeds. Ten 40-80lb dogs attacking is no joke.


Rosebunse t1_iwe8mgd wrote

Poodles can be very large. I can't even imagine surviving this.


Nakedstar OP t1_iweae2w wrote

There have been follow up articles where the gentleman claims he did not bite and that only one of his dogs was actively attacking- the others just swarming. The corgi ended up with half her body shaved and lots of stitches or staples, though.


heidjuk t1_iwid2f5 wrote

Goddammit! Where's the video?


heidjuk t1_iwidfbh wrote

"when a pack of 10 standard poodles jumped out of a car". Cue the circus music