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ChuckFeathers t1_iwlmfsk wrote

Again, popular = quality is your whole argument and It's just hilariously dumb and false.


NoDoughnut119 t1_iwm0vfk wrote

Never said so chuckle fucks, but please keep on showing us that your frontal lobe is lacking.

You do know it is called hall of fame, not hall of quality right? quality is subjective, fame is measurable.


ChuckFeathers t1_iwm7uun wrote

>They are good, they are popular because they are good.

Your words, Nosensenut119...


NoDoughnut119 t1_iwn4gcw wrote

I fear if i continue interacting with you you might just have an epiphany and harm yourself out of shame.

Good luck with life, you clearly need it.


ChuckFeathers t1_iwnbu6j wrote

Nice copout but whatever you need to tell yourself skippy.