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officialTigerRose t1_iwqtlxd wrote

We needed a study for this ??


xotyc OP t1_iwqtqjg wrote

Exactly. Apparently they had "wealthy donors," so perhaps those knuckleheads couldn't figure it out for themselves...


Dragonlicker69 t1_iwqy01a wrote

I always think of the Hawthorne study where they were trying to find the most efficient lighting and accidentally discovered that workers are more motivated when their boss talks to them like they're people.


xotyc OP t1_iwqye5e wrote

Holy shit what a revelation?! Sometimes common sense and common decency really is the answer. Who knew?!


Dragonlicker69 t1_iwqyqk5 wrote

Not industrialists apparently. I always keep that in mind to remind myself the people running companies are idiots a lot of the time.


rangeDSP t1_iwr7nye wrote

IIRC the human element wasn't considered much between the 19th / 20th century (after the industrial revolution). Studies were all about making the factory more efficient, they thought that workers wouldn't work much harder even if you treat them well.

Studies like that is what started changing the mindset of factory/business owners.


who_you_are t1_iwr44ah wrote

I don't think the wealthy donors are the one to bash here. They are likely to know about it (and a study will write it down as a proof), they may like funding a type of study, or they are just usually good donators for research.

If they would be one of those Elon, I'm pretty sure it would never been published or we will read a news laughing at Elon for being a donor.