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Infernalism t1_iwwjwj0 wrote

>Bud Marty May, 37, lost the race against his mother.

I'm dead, bury me.


MaleficentPi t1_iwwmwcm wrote





open_door_policy t1_iwwoj13 wrote

Next Thursday's gonna be reeeeeaaaaal awkward around the dinner table.


MaleficentPi t1_iwwunt2 wrote

I mean I’d be like “well. He gets dinner in jail, doesn’t he?”


CardboardTerror t1_iwyjad5 wrote

His plea deal will save him from that it seems. Probably already bailed out too


Guy_Mckendrick t1_iwxytyg wrote

Erm…. Probably shoulda specified which part of the headline was related to his mum lmao


MCKtheMan t1_iwyk4zx wrote

Forreal! When I say my jaw dropped……


110397 t1_iwxkpvl wrote

The lose part or the… other part?


jordantask t1_iwz1omh wrote

For a second there I thought it was the rape charge you were talking about.



vineyardmike t1_iwwnrav wrote

Pretty soon you'll be required to have a criminal record to be a gop candidate.


MelancholyMushroom t1_iwwtjbg wrote

I’m going to assume it’s so they have dirt on you and can push you around like a puppet to keep you in line to do bullshit things for their agenda.


micharala t1_iwz50dz wrote

The article does say a Republican candidate in a neighboring district was arrested for child abuse, so yeah.


vectorized t1_iwws564 wrote

Guys, did you read the whole news article. WTF is this shit: A Republican candidate for the state Senate in neighboring District 26 was arrested in the days before the election, as well. The candidate, Joel Koskan, was charged with child abuse Nov. 3, court records show. Im somewhat not surprised because they're Republican but goddamn these people are disgusting.


danteheehaw t1_iwxevqt wrote

If you can't rape people as a politician, the women and children too, then why exactly would you even run for office? We can't take away the incentives of running for office because that would make it to where only people with morals run for office!


micharala t1_iwz59bb wrote

That’s what they mean by Freeeeedommm!! The party of law & order, where law & order only applies to those other people.


brianishere2 t1_iwwv0wp wrote

In other words, if he succeeded in the election, he probably wouldn't get arrested and charged. They wanted to see if he would be elected as a Republican first.


Rental_Car t1_iwwm9d3 wrote

Does anybody even need to wait to find out whether it was a Republican or democrat? Like that guy who was caught masturbating outside that school? I mean you basically automatically know it's a GOP pervert without even looking


someguysomewhere81 t1_iwxlbfe wrote

Not just any school, mind you. A preschool.


NessyComeHome t1_iwxp5rd wrote

Because he was stressed.

Some people have a drink. Some a smoke. Some yell, some vent...

Who tf would try to use "stress" as an excuse for jerking off outside a preschool?


RiotForChange t1_iwy6bj5 wrote

He needed to say something when asked the why are you doing that question. Can you think of a good excuse for jerking off there? I for sure cannot


drewbopalous t1_iwyhjzd wrote

That's why they're so anti-woke. They like their victims to be sleeping.


420B1scu1ts t1_ix0si2w wrote

Of the 4 people running as Republicans in that race 2 of them were arrested one for rape and one for child abuse


anoziraguy9687 t1_iwwkuew wrote

Hey guys, guess what? He is a Republican!

Something something "party of law and order" something something "defending religious freedom..."

There is something truly disturbing with those in the GOP from national politics all the way down. Ffs, we're so fucked.


Flash635 t1_iwx8w3x wrote

This is the reason the GOP propaganda bots invented the Creepy Joe meme.


Stupid_Guitar t1_iwwvo6h wrote

Let me guess, Republican?

::checks article::

Yep. These animals are nothing if not utterly predictable.


WessizleTheKnizzle t1_iwxzep3 wrote

Keep in mind, this was a republican candidate, further cementing the idea republicans don't know what consent is.


NAGDABBITALL t1_iwxw914 wrote

Rape gets a fine and no jail time?


kawkz440 t1_iwz28pe wrote

"May, a Republican, came in fourth in a four-person race for two District 27 House seats. One of the two winners was his mother, Republican state Rep. Liz May.

A Republican candidate for the state Senate in neighboring District 26 was arrested in the days before the election, as well. The candidate, Joel Koskan, was charged with child abuse Nov. 3, court records show."

Republicans raping women and abusing children? No way, they believe in God and the rule of law, they'd never do that.


timojenbin t1_ix0eik9 wrote

>No way, they believe in God and the rule of law, they'd never do that.

"Used to be, you could beat your kid and everyone called it good parenting. Used to be, you could have sex with a loose woman and no one would care. That's why we want to make america great again." -- GOP voter saying the quiet part out loud.


SlothInATrenchCoat t1_iwyiyfw wrote

Oh, I wonder what party the guy who raped his mother is apart of. Wonder if it's the party that wants rape victims to be forced to carry his child....

*edit. He lost to his mother. The rape victim was not his mother.


Skyavanger t1_ix00kfb wrote

He didnt rape his mother, he lost to his mother in the election


whiskyrs t1_iwxeppj wrote

They are sending us their worst…


Ohrwurm89 t1_iwzorok wrote

>A Republican candidate for the state Senate in neighboring District 26 was arrested in the days before the election, as well. The candidate, Joel Koskan, was charged with child abuse Nov. 3, court records show.

Rape and child abuse, the modern GOP platform in a nutshell.


Divallo t1_iwyn0c1 wrote

What kind of monster tries to take their mom's job?


ICumInThee t1_iwy0opu wrote

Oh mother of rapist!!!


air401 t1_iwytl6v wrote

I wonder if he won if he still would of been arrested!?


of_patrol_bot t1_iwytlqo wrote

Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.

It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.

Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.

Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


ready653 t1_iwz3u86 wrote

Therapy, fines and “staying away.” Wow. Fuck that.


Gheerdan t1_iwzy2lr wrote

Here's Trump's "criminals and rapists." They're white Republicans in South Dakota.


Inconceivable-2020 t1_ix00ou9 wrote

The fact that they waited until they knew if he won is disturbing. Were they going to let him go if he won?


Quadfur t1_ix0d264 wrote

Best mom of the year.


Guntcher1423 t1_ix0f1pf wrote

He's GOP? I thought they made rape legal for conservatives.


Crooked_Cock t1_ix2j9oh wrote

How much you wanna bet he wouldn’t have been charged if he won the election?