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FrechLachs t1_iwzl4yr wrote

How is it possible to watch without beer?


skinte1 t1_ix0fh1o wrote

Well, people seem to have managed in France in 1998 ( and during the Euros in 2016) where the only allow alcohol free beer in the stadiums...

To be honest it seems the decision to not allow beer and them chosing to announce it now is simply to divert attention from the real issues...


Fred011235 t1_ix1wqyc wrote

it's not, soccer is unwatchable unless you're drunk.


BuhamutZeo t1_iwzmwh6 wrote

...but will FIFA?


Helphaer t1_ix0knzj wrote

No they are in the executive boxes with alcohol.


Socialist_Nerd t1_iwzsee3 wrote

Just being intentionally obtuse to deflect knowing full well what the actual problem is.

FIFA has always been totally full of garbage humans at the top, but this year has really laid it bare.


Ainell t1_iwznmny wrote

Well, unless they're gay, at least.


Prince_Day t1_iwzxo0r wrote



Juan-More-Taco t1_ix00i8t wrote

Qatar has the death penalty as an official potential punishment for gay Muslims in the country.


Prince_Day t1_ix04zj5 wrote

Oh right i thought it had something to do with beer lol


GetlostMaps t1_ix0cr2r wrote

Yes beer is gay. Deliciously gay. That's the only plausible reason beer and gay are both banned in Qatar. The logic is undeniable.


XR171 t1_ix1hxg6 wrote

Well y'know the Navy does reference beer in it's fight song and you know what they say about the Navy....

Before anyone gets mad I'm prior Navy myself.


Ainell t1_ix28oka wrote

Being ex-airforce, I too am entirely okay with making fun of the navy.


GetlostMaps t1_ix1jfct wrote

I'm ex-Navy and I do enjoy beer.

It all lines up.


angadlr23 t1_ix090mi wrote

In 2014 they forced Brazil to change it's regulations regarding alcoholic drinks in stadiums under the argument that the fans had the right to buy beer. I'm guessing the Qatari wallet is bigger than Budweiser's


wwarnout t1_iwznyv0 wrote

Didn't I read recently that certain "elite" fans will be allowed to buy alcohol - at 19,000 pounds a shot?


valomorn t1_ix05m8x wrote

I like how they're only just now kicking up a fuss about Qatar being a dry country, a whole 12 years after they were announced as the host nation.


surfmaster t1_ix1ybml wrote

We have to assume the expectation was that hypocrisy would, as usual, enable special treatment.


psgmcr t1_ix0aiyj wrote

Fans will survive without going too but enjoyment is the entire point isn't it?


DaysyFields t1_ix17pxi wrote

They'll also survive if they don't watch the football.


AlexRenquist t1_ix1lskr wrote

This is why Scotland intentionally didn't qualify.



LifeguardOdd3355 t1_ix0ncmy wrote

Sure, but they will accomodate for the wealthy as always.


be-like-water-2022 t1_ix0srsr wrote

At this time I think there will be no real fans, just hired workers staging different fans.


Hotarg t1_ix1oz9v wrote

What hired workers? We took away their per diem, so they can't be hired workers!


momentimori t1_ix1hdkl wrote

I'm certain FIFA can survive without bribes.


beowolff t1_ix1sg5s wrote

Fans will survive...FIFA might not after this debacle.


Arcades_Samnoth t1_ix0sqyu wrote

Will the FIFA head survive after the fans come after him?


mmrrbbee t1_ix1ow4q wrote

But will fifa survive without a head?


morenewsat11 t1_iwzqdui wrote

>“If for 3 hours a day you cannot drink a beer, you will survive. Maybe there is a reason why in France, in Spain, in Scotland, alcohol is banned in stadiums. Maybe they are more intelligent than us, having thought maybe we should be doing that.”

Possibly the only time I agree with Infantino, even if saying so leaves a bad taste in my mouth,


HVP2019 t1_iwzx1yr wrote

This should have been separate decision not something forced upon fans by one country.


Helphaer t1_ix0kqxy wrote

It's not a logical statement. He's going to be in the executive boxes for wealthy people and they allow alcohol there.


FawksyBoxes t1_ix1azkl wrote

Except they made Brazil change their laws about beer in stadiums "because the fans have a right to drinking beer."

Brazil must have paid a lower bribe


Hotarg t1_ix1p3xv wrote

>even if saying so leaves a bad taste in my mouth,

...Just like non alcoholic beer.